I feel like im losing faith?

Im 15 and have been a strong christian for all my life up to about 6 months ago. I feel like my faith is struggling in that i find it hard to believe that god is actually real because it defies human nature in all that i learn in school. I go to church mostly every week, i really want to believe in God because in my heart I know that He is really up, but my brain keeps telling me no, its not possible. Is there anything that I can do, is there anything that physically explains that gods true?


Favorite Answer

Just remember that those are only feelings. God is a fact. Keep reading your Bible and stay in fellowship with believers. That is one of the reasons that God made the Body of Christ for us, so that when we are in a dry time we have our brothers and sisters in Christ to bear witness to us and love us.

Also, keep in mind that the love that your family and friends have for you are gifts from God and evidence of His goodness, it is important for you to thank God for them every day, no matter how you feel.

There was a famous inscription found in a WWII prison cell after the war.

I believe in the sun
Even when it isn't shining
I believe in love
Even when there's no one there
And I beleive in God
Even when He is silent.

Just FYI, most Priests have a minimum of the equivalent of a Masters degree, Bishops and Cardinals Usually have multiply degrees above that.

Mainstream ministers and pastors have a minimum of a Bachelors degree in college and many have more education than that.

a Goddess of Fluffyness2008-12-16T12:14:42Z

Dear Friend,

I too have struggled to remain faithful to my beliefs. There is a reason you are questioning the things that you are. Is the reason you have remained a Christian for so long, because that is what was taught and not to question what was said? Now that you are a young adult, you have the means to question. That is fine, it is not losing your faith, you are just becoming more aware of the things around you. Our goals of human existence is to question everything around us. Including the very things that we believe in and that shape us into what we are today. Everyone needs something to believe in, including Atheists. They believe that there is no higher power. More power to them. Religion and beliefs are part of our morals. Our role models. As a Christian, you look to the life of Jesus and learn from the lessons and stories that are told in the Bible. Be strong, if I remember correctly, even Jesus was tempted and questioned himself the ways. It's okay. You are human after all.

As for the physical evidence that God exists, a wise friend once told me, "If you can feel the wind, see the stars, taste the rain upon your lips, hear the thunder, you may start to wonder, who started it all."

You will find the path that is right for you. It may not always be the same path that you are on now, but it will be okay. I promise. :)

Good Luck (and sorry for all the rambling)


According to the Bible, we can't know God by logic. God is supernatural and faith is a supernatural gift from Him. Sin can break down our faith. We need to stay close to God by being a Christian, reading the Bible often, going to church, prayer, fellowship with other Christians, etc. God is love and the heart focus is primary over the mind focus. Loving God and others is our primary mission in this world as Christians.


Your feelings are natural and normal. Perhaps this will help: faith is a gift from God to you, not something that you generate in yourself. If you feel your faith growing weak, there are two things you can do: (1) expose yourself every day to the Word of God (the Bible). Read the Gospel of John, for example - a chapter every day, and (2) when you pray, ask God to strengthen your faith. It is okay to admit to God that you have doubts. He will answer this prayer over time. Finally, keep in mind that it is human nature for humans to think that they have everything figured out. But the truth is, they don't. If you look at what was "scientific truth" in the 16th century, by the 17th century, people believed something totally different -- and this will happen with "today's" scientific truth. What does not change is God. In 1 Corinthians, there is a verse I depend upon daily. It says, "For God has chosen the simple things of this world to confound the wise ... ." This means that in the end, those who depend on their own fantasies and conclusions will find they missed the truth completely.


Just hold on, we have History & Artifacts dear.

As politicians seek to sign away chunks of Israeli territory, the stones cry out about Israel's link to the land and testify of the Bible authenticity.
For example:

They found King Solomon's mines.
King Solomon was written about in 1 Kings 7, he had stockpiles of brass, and he used it in construction of the 1st temple.

Even secular records can confirm this, the period, as recorded in 1 Kings 14:25, in which the Bible says Israel and Judah were invaded by Shishak, the Egyptian Pharaoh, who began raiding and conquering much of Palestine beginning around 925 B.C., after Solomon's death. And secular records in Egypt also confirm this, documenting that Shishak's troops occupied the city of Hazevah, which is about 8-miles from the mining complex.

There was a discovery of King David's palace, located just as the Bible described it. Excavations are still ongoing.

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