1. What is a "Heavenly Host"? 2. Why is there a double "s" in the quiz title? 3. Why is there an "X" instead of "Christ"? 4. What is frankincense? 5. What is myrrh? 6. The wise men found Jesus in a ________? 7. Why did Joseph to the baby Jesus to Egypt? 8. The wise men stopped in Jerusalem to______?
oops. 7) Why did Joseph take the baby Jesus to Egypt?
Justin: you got one right and close on another. lol... To answer 2 you have to know the history of the name Christmas.
Justin W2008-12-16T14:30:14Z
Favorite Answer
1. I assume it's Mary. An incubator for Jehovah's son 2. I assume it's due to the a before the double s 3. You're either lazy or trying to be politically correct 4. It's a shrub used for insense 5. Ibid 6. Watering trough? They did go to a stable, you never know 7. I don't remember this part of the story. Maybe to hide him from the Romans with the Jews where he'd be safe (haha) 8. Wash their feet? Visit Jesus. Follow a star. Take your pick.
1) 2) The original celebration was the Mass of Christ or Christ Mass 3) Our letter "x" is the same as the symbol for the Greek "Chi" which is the abbreviation for Christ. 4) 5) 6) 7)
how many weeks are in a three hundred and sixty 5 days? In a three hundred and sixty 5 days there are three hundred and sixty 5 days, 12 months and each month has 4 weeks. In a three hundred and sixty 5 days there are fifty two weeks. how many states are interior u . s . a . of america? fifty two What does the workstation term "workstation" stand for? pc what's the chemical eqation for water? H2 + O2 = H2O what's the capital of California? sacremento electric powered capability of sunshine bulbs is measured in what unit? Volt each and every summer season Olympics happens each and every...wat yrs? each and every 4 years Canada is a factor of what continent? North u . s . a . of america Who exchange into the sixteenth US president? Abraham Lincoln A appropriate perspective is how many ranges? ninety
1.) I believe it is the totality of the choirs. 2.) You are a rabid BoSox fan and will take any opportunity to reference your state. 3.) You are also a lazy typist 4.) It's kind of like incense 5.) It's a resin 6.) hurry 7.) to participate in the census 8.) grab a beer