What's happened to our sport?

Ok, first off, let me say that over the years, I have owned the following military style rifles; AK-47, HK91, HK93, M1 Garand, M1A, and the AR-15A2.

These rifles have a place in my collection. I enjoy shooting them and feel that the Second Amendmend to the US Constitution allows private citizens to be as well armed at the standing military in order to protect our country from tyrany abroad and tyrany from within.

Ok, now having said all of that, I just don't understand the HEIGHTENED fascination with these military-style rifles. And no, I don't just mean since the November general elections. I mean, for the past dozen years it seems that every other issue of The American Rifleman magazine is sporting a photo on the front cover of a military-style rifle.

While I admit to having owned about 7 of these rifles myself, they made-up a very small percentage of my collection.

Am I the only firearms enthusiasts that sits at home and is not on "Code Yellow", worried about fantatical Islamic terrorists breaking down my door? Sure, firearms can be used for protecton. Yes, I have some in my house for that purpose (shotguns).

It just feels that for the past dozen years or so, we have become a nation of "Rambo" wannabees with the popularity and proliferation of so many "black guns".

Does anyone else feel the same way?


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I absolutely feel the same way. I've got some bolt actions and my 54 cal flinter and that's all I want. My step son is always harping on me to buy one of those military style guns and what I tell him is that with a good bolt action I could get one if I really needed one , if you know what I mean.....Besides, I recon there'll be plenty of them laying around when the time comes .......................


If people don't like the game and say it has been ruined then why did MLB break attendence records this year? Steroids has helped a select few stay healthier and stronger for the long haul of the season. That's obvious. It's wrong and I hope they fix it. Media plays a big role in this too. Imagine if there was all of this news hype in the 20's and 30's when guys were just starting to hit more double digit homeruns per year? They would be scrutinized just as hard and people would be looking for answers. Bottom line is it's still a great game and always evolving.


Not all of us are wannabes, some of us are has beens and some of us still are well trained elite tactical soldiers.

I support every law abiding citizen owning firearms. I really do not mind assault rifles, (I own one).

To each their own, as long as their right does not infringe upon the rights of others. I will soon be purchasing an AR-15 that I have wanted since I left the service. I do not need it, I want it and I am sure I can buy it today.

I am not so sure about tomorrow.

I am not on code yellow, I also choose shotguns for home defense. I live on a farm and it does not matter much to me who comes through the door late at night, terrorist or burglar. The justice doled out would be equally swift. So in a very long winded way, I have all of the hunting guns I need, I just have a long list of guns I want. A black one is next on the list.


" Only a Criminal or a Tyrant is Afraid of the Armed Citizen."... This Government wants to Disarm the Citizens so as to have Complete Power and Control over them.* Every Tyrannical Government in the Past has taken away the Guns to Prevent any Serious Opposition or Rebellion .* History continues to repeat itself because the New Generations who come along don't know or tend to forget about the Past and will say it will not happen here.* The People are the Masters of Both Congress and the Courts, not to Overthrow the Constitution, but to Overthrow the Men who would Pervert it.*

John de Witt2008-12-16T19:42:46Z

I see that "hunting rifles that look like military rifles" question earlier today was close to a last straw for you, too.
I have to admit the newest, fanciest military rifle I've owned is a Swedish 38. Once upon a time Uncle Sugar let me play with an M-16, and that was fine, but I've had no desire to shoot one since.
I have no problem with real riflemen who know what they're about having these rifles. The problem is that today's delayed adolescence makes me worry that too many are "playing army" like a ten-year-old, but with real rifles. It's the identification of which group is which that makes me nervous. It also seems the confrontational aspects just play into the gun-grabbers' hands, at least to a degree. After all, they aren't on TV talking about the dangers of trapdoor Springfields and Colt SAA's.
As for American Rifleman, they're getting articles from the cooperation of the gunmakers, and the manufacturers are trying to grab market share on the military-style arms. The makers of fine doubles aren't scrambling over such a big market. Pity.

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