How long were you in your relationship before you said "I love You"?

I have been in a relationship with a great guy for 6 months now, but I am nowhere near ready to say the "3 little words" yet. Now I know that all relationships are different, and they progresss at their own pace, blah, blah, blah...

I am perfectly content (as is he) with our relationship status, and I am sure we will someday get to that point, but it just got me wondering, Whats the "typical" (if there even is one) length of time in a relationship before people say "I love you"?

Also, what are your and your partners age, and what age were you when you said "I love you" for the first time, and how long have you been together?

Andraya - Snark's Sister2008-12-17T16:02:37Z

Favorite Answer

The first person I loved I never told, I was 15 at the time. The second I told after 10 months (20 for that one), the third after 2 years (27). I will not say it unless they do so first or they are leaving me. I am too afraid to put it out there, the people who love me leave and the ones I admit to loving leave faster.

Irritated Lactivist2008-12-17T18:33:55Z

You know, it's all in your own time. I'm not sure there is or even should be a "typical" timeline for love. I may wonder if two adults spend a year or more together and don't feel ready to say it....but that's just me.

We had been dating for about 3 months. I knew almost immediately that he was special and that I wanted to marry him, lol!! But I managed to keep a lid on that and just enjoy spending time with him. I'll never forget the night he just burst out with "I LOVE YOU!" It was so cute. And of course I felt comfortable letting the floodgate go, at least regarding my feelings for him. ;) I didn't want to pressure him about marriage!! We did begin to talk about it later; it just naturally came up. He asked me to go ring shopping after almost a year together, and we married nearly two years into dating. Our 4th wedding anniversary is in January! Six years total time together this May. I am 26 and he is nearly 25, and our daughter just turned 2.

Angel Eyes2008-12-17T18:08:26Z

Said I love you after 6 weeks - relationship lasted over 2 1/2 yrs. I was 19.

Said I love you after 4 weeks - still in the relationship. I'm 25 now. Been together over 2 1/2 years going on 3.

Silas (Echo Company)2008-12-17T17:52:52Z

I did not tell my girl friend i loved her once in the year and a half we dated.... Partially because of my lack of emotion i guess... I think thats what we broke up over too was because i didnt care... Oh well, when you are ready you will know until then hold off


well me and my bf have been talking for like 2 months and have been going out for 2 an a half weeks. we just said i love you to eachother yesterday. i do love him bc we got to know the real us first. im 17 and he is 20

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