Why do so many on Yahoo...?

Like to whine and cry because someones post is offensive. Good lord people. I know i know, community guidelines blah blah blah. However, last I checked freedom of Speech mattered in this country. All you babies reporting things just because your sheltered little frail ego's get hurt need to grow up and stop being babies. I'm sure you whiners will flag this even though my question is Do we even really have free Speech any more?


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Freedom of Speech refers to the government censoring people.

YA is NOT the government.

Glad I could clear up your obvious confusion on the matter.

Cultural Vandal2008-12-18T14:34:41Z

The whole point of YA is to answer questions. It is not to go on some racist rant or partisan slander just 'cause you have an big audience.
Sometimes you'll get a smart -a** answer, but I think any posts or answers should at least have some civility.
But if you just want to get on a soapbox, or vent your spleen against the Democrats or Republicans, it's probably not the place. A person can go too far.
And no, this is not a place where your rights are absolute. Yahoo is a business, and they have every right to flag your post if it's offensive.

The Slick Meister2008-12-18T14:26:34Z

The right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech". This is because exercising freedom of speech always takes place within a context of competing values. Legal systems, and society at large, recognize limits on the freedom of speech, particularly when freedom of speech conflicts with other values or rights. Exercising freedom of speech always takes place within a context of competing values. Limitations to freedom of speech may follow the "harm principle" or the "offense principle", for example in the case of pornography or "hate speech.

hog b2008-12-18T14:33:43Z

I absolutely agree, what better system than a simple right to reply, if something offends you.

It is moral cowadice to simply close your eyes, and impose that on everybody else.

I think this forum is just a reflection of the general state of affairs, we are stopped from even asking questions, let alone getting answers, to many questions.


First of all, I don't particularly care for people who refer to Obama as a "Monkey"! That is racist and a bigoted remark and does not belong on here!

Second, "FREE SPEECH" only refers to that speech that the GOVERNMENT wants to take away or LIMIT. No other speech is protected, so you really need to read the US Constitution.

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