why is the current generation being so appathetic toward they're senior citizens?

why aren't we being more like the Asian communities?


Favorite Answer

It is the culture. Everything is geared toward looking young and beautiful. There is no respect in getting old and being wiser anymore. We raised the last two generations to want the newest, the best, the prettiest, etc. and now we are reaping what we have sown.

Half Drawn Boy2008-12-21T01:43:51Z

You reap what so sow. The current generation acts the way they have been taught to act, the asian youth act the way they were taught to act. The older generations in the west don't put much time, care or effort into the younger generations so the feelings and actions are reciprocated. Older people seem to think that giving a young person a playstation will make everything OK, so the young generation think that paying to keep an older person in a home is all they need.


Did I miss something here what do the Asians do ? We had one here for 2 years, didn't work, wanted the best of every thing, Took over our home, made demands on what we were to eat. I think I'll stick by the Native American culture, They make sure we maintain a quality of life, They are here in a minute, We wouldn't even need to take out our own thrash if we didn't choose too, carry in your groceries ,. open doors for the elders, thats the American way


Because we are not Asian we are Americans and that is not a bad thing to be, even though we have our problems, they will get worked out. I had an Asian sister in law, and she wasn't around to help her mom. But the Asians like Americans there are ones that care and ones that don't care.

PJ H2008-12-21T00:34:28Z

Since when did we need anyone to do much for me. The sick, ill, and in need of care come in all ages. That taking care of/place of honor/role of dignity **** ends up being a rocking chair in the back room taking care of the little brats while everyone else goes to clubs after grandma gets in from work, all on grandma's paycheck to the household. And before you get the hair on the back of your neck up over this, I have lost count of the number of Cambodian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Philippine, Thai grandmothers I have worked toe to toe with over the last decades. I haven't seen it as any better or worse then anyone else can be. You are kindly invited to get off your little soapbox.if you think you are helping defend me.

I have my own car, pay my own bills, travel where I will, when I will and what dignity and respect I need I get, or I leave and take my money with me. Why should the current generation give a rat's behind about me and who wanted them too anyway? They need to tend their business and their children.

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