I've Read the Aquarians Are Detached?

Are aquarians the detached and cold as they are said to be. I am an aquarius but I dont really see it as detaching i see it as me time


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As an Aquarian myself, i wouldnt call it detached. I call it taking myself out the situation depending whats going on around me, as for being cold, I can seem cold at times, but im really not, it just take me awhile to get to know new faces around me. There is so much more to Aquarians, were creative, idealistic, smart, funny, but there is one thing i've noticed about myself, i can be as sweet, loving, passionate, can be your best friend, but....don't get it twisted, cause I can be a handful. And besides, all the other signs need us in their lives at one point, all living things need water to survive..

Claudette Leon2008-12-21T05:43:43Z

the ones i know are. I just personally don't see them as bein romantic, loving, affectionate, or really sympathetic. Personally, to me they make better friends than they do lovers, esp. the guys. As a Libra, i'm opposite of detachment, and i don't see myself bonding with Aquarius guys in a romantic manner.


Your right, I think Aquas are like that..they just want to get away and have their own time. I think they deal with things in their own way, being by themself instead of expressing themself in front of others. An aqua with a sensitive moon sign can be different.