Who can figure out this riddle?

You have to spend 100$. You have to buy 100 animals.
Sheep- 3.00$ each
cows-10.00$ each
pigs- .50 cents each

Remember you have to spend all 100$ and buy 100 animals. How many of each animal do you buy?


You have to buy at least one of each animal. Sorry I forgot that!


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1 x sheep = 3
5 x cows = 50
94 x pigs = 47

100 animal and $100


80 pigs = 80x.50 = 40$
20 sheep = 20x3 = 60$

or atleast one of each animal is mandatory?


102 pigs=51
4 cows=40
3 sheep=9


I'd probably do it the easy way and buy 80 pigs and 20 sheep.


94 pigs so 94 x .50 = $47.00
5 cows so 5 x 10.00 = $50.00
1 sheep $ 3.00

yay!!! i solved it

Edit: but i think i was too late they already solved it :( oh well at least i tried and got it right

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