How do you get over a pointless crush?


Favorite Answer

I had a lot of experiences with this one! I am a Muslim and I am not allowed to date. So I had a crush in 5th grade named Stephen. I thought he was cute. But I was so shy back then. So I went up to him and I told him how I felt. He was a jerk about it. So once I saw his true colors I got over him. Then there was another boy in 6th grade, Ryan. He was an asshole. He said he would never go out with me because I was fat and I looked like a man. Ouch! My heart tore in two. But I said to myself, God has a soul mate for everyone. For me it would be a Muslim man. Well basically I went up to the person I liked and told them how I felt. That's the best way to get over a crush. Good Luck!


Exercise control over your emotions. I know it can be difficult, but it can be done! It takes some work, but it's worth it to save your heart for the one you marry. Good luck and merry Christmas!


everyone has a crush once in a while, it'll subside before you know it, just don't throw or give so much attention to it.


tgink about the bad side in the person.


think of all the bad in the other person