How do you become a top contributor on Yahoo Answers?

I really want to become one. Please help me!

Dhan Noon2008-12-31T19:53:08Z

Favorite Answer

To become a TC ( Top Contributor), keep these 4 easy steps in mind.

1) Choose a category-
You need to choose a particular category about which, you know a lot, you can answer any type of questions in that particular category.(i.e. if you are good in science, then you can select this category for your contribution)

2) Answer a lot of questions-
This is actually self explanatory. In the first step, you chose your favorite category, now you have to answer a lot of questions in that category

3) Best answer accumulation-
Answering a lot of questions in the particular category DEOS NOT mean that you can answer a question with only a word/a line. Your answer should be knowledgeable and informative. Your answer should be accurate, suitable and helpful. If someone asks a question, he or she expects a suitable answer to it. If your answer is the best among other answers, it will be given ''the best answer (BA)''... In that way, you have to collect many BAs. The trick about becoming a TC all depends on the amount of BA you receive within a single week. Like, if you have answered 20 questions per week and you get 50%+ BAs that is, 11 or more BAs, then you will probably become a TC in that particular week.

4) Regularity/Active contribution
This does not mean one has to answer a lot of questions every day; it simply means to show up the good work. For example: I only answer 20-30 questions per week or may be more(sometimes) but I still manage to retain my TC badge without having to worry about losing it. That is right, I only answer 1 to 5 questions daily, and sometimes I do not answer any questions for 4 days straight.

Please see(PS): try to accumulate 200+ points weekly in a particular category. This means you can answer 30 questions, which would be 60 points, and receive BA’s to make it up to 200+ points.

Note you gain 10 points for each BA, and an additional 1 point for each thumb up on your answer selected as the best.


◘◘The Yahoo! Staffs keep the TC formula confidential because Users would misuse the main purpose of being a TC. For example: A TC is supposed to be a knowledgeable individual in a particular category, and if Users find out what it exactly takes to become a TC, they would start becoming a TC unfairly. So this is the significant reason the Staffs keep the formula on how to become a TC confidential. Nevertheless, very few Users (particularly TC’s) know exactly what it takes to become a TC in a single week. I think I am really close, or exact.

◘◘Users can become a TC in up to 3 categories simultaneously.(It was 4 before this new system)

◘◘The TC badge is not permanent. You gain it and lose it, depending on your recent contribution within the category(s) of your choice.

◘◘Users who are qualified for the TC badge will receive their badge on Monday morning, and once Users are given the TC badge, it takes exactly 3 weeks for the badge to be taken away if requirements are not met.

◘◘Two categories DO NOT provide a TC badge because categories like those do not require knowledge sharing contribution, they are only for entertainment. These categories are: POLLS AND SURVEYS and JOKES AND RIDDLES.

◘◘Vote for your answers whenever they’re in voting. It is perfectly legal to vote for yourself with a single account. This will increase your chance for accumulating BA’s. However, using more than one account to vote your answers as best is against the Community Guidelines and will result the sudden termination of your account.

Congratulations! You're all done.


Top Contributor badge is given for regularity of participation to a certain extent. This is to inspire answerers to remain attached to Y!A which Yahoo is doing for their own interest. I hate this system of TC Badge which differentiates between the answerers. Many good answerers are answering only challenging questions and hence have no TC Badge, but are much better in their answers. Edit: Comments on your remarks: Should a teacher give less marks to a brilliant student just because he already has the highest marks in the class ? Should a cricket umpire give a batsman out lbw against a false appeal considering that having scored a century, he has enough runs ? In math and science category, BA is the correct and simplest answer and is easy to decide. But in the type of questions you ask, BA is not the one liked by most readers, but one that satisfies the asker and asker's prerogative has got to be respected.

Đomßā Tühāл ρāliлg §exý®2009-01-01T02:15:56Z

The Top Contributor badge is definitely a measure of RECENT participation (within the last 1 to 3 weeks).
You can hold Top Contributor badges in up to 3 lowest-level categories at once (except ''Polls & Surveys'' and ' Jokes & Riddles''). Badges come and go on Monday mornings. Yahoo keeps the formula secret, and it's subject to change at any moment. It probably also varies from category to category. Experienced users have formed guesses, but they're just GUESSES.

You probably need around:

» 30-50 answers per week in the category.
» At least 20 ''best answers'' in the category within the last 3 weeks.
» 200 or more total points per week (including all answers, Best Answers, votes, and "thumbs up") in the category.
» At least a 10% best answers in your chosen category.

If your level of participation falls, you will likely lose your badge. Concentrate on participating regularly and giving high-quality answers in just a few categories to earn or keep a badge.

Good luck.


Thanks to the top contributor for their incredibly detailed information on becoming a top contributor. I have now determined that I never want to be a top contributor. It's too much fun to answer questions that I don't know much about or want to answer sarcastically. I enjoy the fact that Yahoo has sent me three disciplinary warnings on my answers. Seriously, it's not a paid job!

Punk Rockin Princess2009-01-01T04:41:16Z

lol. listen to the 'top contributors' who answered this/your question ;) i'm a hundred% sure that they know how :)

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