New Year, will illegal immigration improve?

Will the government step in and do something this year, with all the bad press and what not, or do you think they will continue to drag their feet and do nothing about all the illegals in our country?


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the only time I see the government stepping in is after we as citizens start raising more hell about this ongoing problem and take some matters into our own hands.


The government gets it's power from the people. If you are willing to write, phone or email your reps HAVE to cast YOUR votes. IF they refuse to follow the people we can remove them from office; we can even abolish the government because they are destructive to America and Americans.
It better do something. It was never intended that we would have to fight our own government to support and protect us over illegal invaders. It is ridiculous that we have to fight legislature every month that gives benefits to illegals. The misuse of the 14th amendment has gone on long enough. it needs to end and a permanent end to illegal immigration needs to be reached this year.

Bhs L2009-01-01T09:06:54Z

i think the last thing our government care about is bad press unless its election time no one cares and if you research it the illegals who are in this country trying to be legal we make allot of money off them by the fines they pass for the paperwork for it all to go thru


Yes. There will bemore & more IIs . Obama's plans on giving 'em Amnesty.


the "Obamanator" ain't gonna do nothing, hell, he's an illegal himself..