Help me please. Birthday Present.?
Okay my bestest best friend ever is turning 13, I have no clue what to get her (I suck at buying and giving presents when they wont tell me what they want.) NO GIFT CARDS!!! Okay, she hates reading, she's over the whole Twilight thing. She likes music a lot. Movies. (She an indoors type person) Oooh she loves shopping and designer crap. Can yall help me pick something good, and not just like a movie dvd, album, or something like that. Something pretty good and i just need an idea of what to get her it doesnt have to be specific. I know im askin a lot from yall.
-Thanks in Advance-
Ooh yeah and she has about EVERYTHING in the world. But I like the scrapbook thing and the basket. Thanks everyone who answered. And I know my picture rocks.