College Bowl Games, is it fair?

Is it fair to schools who play in cold weather to have to play their bowl games in the heat? Shouldn't there be a system that allows them to have games in cold weather. Example: Ohio State played Florida in Florida, how is this fair?


I know that people want warm weather, but old time football is played in the cold, and I think it would be fun to see the National Champ game played in Green Bay, Chicago, or Pittsburgh. See where I am going with this?


Also to some of you who point out that teams play at Ohio State. They do, you are right, but never in a bowl game!


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to SEC fans they think it's fair because it benefits them they kind of ignore fair and unfair.

There is a difference with home field advantage as well as we have wind chill factor were it could be 30 degrees but with the wind chill it might bee in the teens or lower.

It was more than 70 degrees at thje Rose Bowl by the way for those who are trying to make that weak argument.

Where's the love?2009-01-03T16:22:21Z

Maybe that would be a legitimate issue if they actually played in "heat", you're making it sound as if they're playing in 100 degree weather that cold weather teams are completely unfamiliar with. When it's 70 degrees outside there's it's usually a pretty balanced atmosphere. It's not like it doesn't get 70 up north. Teams are only truly affected at the extremes of the scale when it's really hot or really cold.

Sure if these teams were going to like Arizona or Florida in the summer with the humidity/dry heat there would definitely be an advantage. But the fact is right now in the middle of January it isn't that warm anywhere in the country, high 70s is about the highest you'll find. Now if you move bowl games to places like Ohio where it's commonplace for it to be like 10 degrees outside then it's an obvious advantage for those teams because right now in the winter the weather is at it's most extreme in those climates, the same cannot be said unless these cold weather teams had to play in the middle of the summer.

@ Jim Morrison - At the Rose Bowl it was 70 degrees exactly at kickoff. Check the weather if you feel it necessary Pasadena has a high of 61 today 65 tomorrow and 65 on monday. It was pretty mild weather at the Rose Bowl on Thursday when Penn St got their butts handed to them, it wasn't hot in the least bit.


Is it fair when a Big Ten team gets $8,000,000 for going to the Rose Bowl? Going to a warm weather site for a bowl game is a recruiting tool. Do you honestly think that a player wouldn't go to a Big Ten school because he didn't want to play in the Rose Bowl on New Years Day? This whole idea about going to a warm weather bowl game as being unfair is stupid.


No it's not really fair, but that's the way it is. LSU has won three national titles in their history- ALL AT HOME! Same with USC- all of their titles except one have been played at home. Even last night's game favored Alabama. They played in New Orleans and had close to 3/4ths of the crowd and the refs.

Bowl Games are an event and a week's vacation for the kids. They don't want to go spend a week in the snow of Michigan for their bowl week.


things may change one day but not untill the big ten pullls out of the rose bowl.. the rose bowl is a huge scam to get alot of people from up north to visit their city.... and what do the teams from the north get in return a beat down at the hands of the home team sc...

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