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Can I play football in high school?

I'm 5'4 95lbs I run a 4.9 sec 40 yard I have a 21 inch vertical jump I workout almost every night drink a lot of milk and eat healthy. Can I play and if I can what position?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 hours ago

    You would be considered too small to play.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    If you were playing you would get the living sh*t pounded out of you.  Your best role for the team would be in the locker room.  You should volunteer to be the anal massager for the players.

  • Cu Tie
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Yes, based on your height and weight, as well as your 40-yard dash time and vertical, I believe that the best fit for you is at the wide receiver position. You have the ideal size for a high school wide receiver. Keep in mind, some high school wide receivers are shorter than 5 feet, and weigh less than 100 pounds.

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