Atheist against Israel in Gaza?

How can one have a judgment either way as evolved beings isn't this a classic example of evolution as the smarter more advantaged breed eliminates the weaker? what is the basis of any morality coming from a primordial soup?


i personaly believe in a much higher morality; animals dont have a conscience and evolution teaches s we are just animals, this is a hot topic and people are divided on it but what ever side we take is evidence of a higher morality, should we poll the livestock to see what they think? of course not because they dont have the capacity for it but we do; therefor our opinions are given to us by our creator and the fact that we judge between right and wrong is evidence that we are accontable befor this creator...that is the point


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"what is the basis of any morality coming from a primordial soup?"

Morals have been implicitly proven to come from society.

"I personally believe animals do not have a conscience... and we are animals."

And yet we have a conscience. Thereby negating your entire belief.


We are all the same species. We live together in an intricately connected world as social beings that depend on social agreements working for safety, prosperity, and security. A breakdown of this in any part of our shrinking world does impact all of us. To a degree no one's security is absolutely safe unless everyone's is. So long as violence by any group is considered a viable solution others can justify it through retaliation. I think both sides have done things that are wrong. Hamas should not fire rockets into Isreal, how do the Isrealis stop this? On the other hand the great loss of life and conditions in Palestine are saddening too? Would you want to live there? That is the basis of morality. We can't expect others to care for us when we don't care for them. Few of us want to live in a world where might means you can be knocked down and your possessions taken or your little child hurt. We rely on reciprocal agreements in order to achieve a peaceful world which is what many of us wish.


Evolution has nothing to do with primordial soup nor any war between different groups of humans.


If you are too retarded to understand morality, why all the 'if' statements? Just ask a straightforward question if you cannot think for yourself.

Both sides are to blame in the conflict and it is exacerbated by religion.

Religion needs to GO AWAY before it destroys us all...

Too bad you are too stupid to understand THAT morality...


Eh? Social Darwinism is utter fail and has nothing to do with real science.

Evolution is about slow changes in allele distribution among populations, not about any politics or wars. And yeah, Israel has all the right to destroy Hamas.

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