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Kitkat asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

As a christian or atheist, did you know that the palestinians ask for a muslim Israel?

That's right. While Israel recognized a muslim Palestine since 1948, the palestinians never recognized Israel as a country with a jewish majority. Right now, Israel has 75% jews and 20% muslims. But the palestinians ask that 2 millions of palestinian muslim grand-children of refugees come inside Israel, which would make Israel muslim in majority in 10-20 years, in addition to the muslim state of Palestine that the palestinians ask for. Also the palestinians ask that their Palestine state be jewish-free and that 200,000 jewish settlers should leave the West bank, because they are jewish. While Israel accept the presence of 20% of muslims in Israel now.


Daniel, you said "east jeruselum does not belong to israel". But Jerusalem is a hebrew name.

Update 2:

Kaz, before WWII, there was never a Palestine state in history but there was a hebrew kingdom for several centuries. In 1948, the UN gave 1 country for the jews and 1 country for the palestinians. The jews accepted, the arabs refused and attacked. The arabs lost and also lost land.

Update 3:

Hatem, I reply to you. Palestinian territories have 6% non muslim while Israel has 25% of people non jewish. Also palestinians ask that their future country be jewish-free (for example, jews from Gaza who lived there since more than 30 years and to leave and have their houses destroyed). So who is really racist?

About the palestinians who left their land at the war of 1948, it's because arab armies told them to do so, before winning and coming back.Muslims and christians lived in peace for hundreds of years! Have you not heard about crusaders?

Update 4:

Hatem, I reply to you. Palestinian territories have 6% non muslim while Israel has 25% of people non jewish. Also palestinians ask that their future country be jewish-free (for example, jews from Gaza who lived there since more than 30 years and to leave and have their houses destroyed). So who is really racist?

About the palestinians who left their land at the war of 1948, it's because arab armies told them to do so, before winning and coming back.Muslims and christians lived in peace for hundreds of years! Have you not heard about crusaders?

Update 5:

Clyde, what you write about Ismael is funny. Ismael was born before Izhak, so because he's arab, the arabs were there before the jews. But the dad of Ismael was jewish if Itzhak was jewish, so then the jews were there before arabs.

Anyway, whoever this land belonged in the past, what we look at is a peaceful resolution of the current war between Israel and the arabs and your kind of response just provoke war. To have peace, the palestinians must accept Israel as it is not, with a jewish majority, period. If not, there will never be peace until 1 day, the arabs will inflict Israel large casualties and Israel will reply with 10 times more casualties. Israeli-arab wars were always won by Israel because Israel has the lowest number of soldiers and the higher intelligence and modern wars are won by intelligence.

Update 6:

Clyde, what you write about Ismael is funny. Ismael was born before Izhak, so because he's arab, the arabs were there before the jews. But the dad of Ismael was jewish if Itzhak was jewish, so then the jews were there before arabs.

Anyway, whoever this land belonged in the past, what we look at is a peaceful resolution of the current war between Israel and the arabs and your kind of response just provoke war. To have peace, the palestinians must accept Israel as it is not, with a jewish majority, period. If not, there will never be peace until 1 day, the arabs will inflict Israel large casualties and Israel will reply with 10 times more casualties. Israeli-arab wars were always won by Israel because Israel has the lowest number of soldiers and the higher intelligence and modern wars are won by intelligence.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Biblically and scientifically, the Arabs were there first and the MAJORITY. The Assyrians, a Semitic people, not Arab nor Jew, though, had the first KNOWN human settlements in what is called Palestine in 5000 B.C.. From 7000-5000 B.C., an unknown peoples had a settlement there.

    Biblically(Ishmael(Arab) before Isaac(Jew)) and scientifically, the Arabs were there first and are THE MAJORITY, both in true Palestine(Israel, West Bank, and Gaza strips)-that is why the region is called the ARABIAN, NOT, JEWISH, PENNINSULA.The Jewish God is the God from Egypt, this according to the Bible:"13:4 Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me."

    According to Israel, they are not at war with the Palestinians, but with the Hamas, so what reason do they have to steal Palestinian land and kill Palestinians to do it-pure blood lust, nothing more.

    First, the land was given as RESIDENCY for the Jews, not as OWNERSHIP- NO WHERE does it say the Jews owned it or were to kill the Arabs to get it. God quite explicitly states whom the land belongs to-GUESS WHAT- it was not the Jews, but the Arabs. CAN ANY ONE BELIEVE GOD WOULD COMMAND THE JEWS TO STEAL SOMEONE ELSE'S LAND AND KILL THEM FOR IT? Matter of fact in, the Bible, God PUNISHES the city on the hill(that's Israel). She is brought to her knees for her indiscretions(this can ONLY be the Palestinian situation) Nation up on nation shall rise up against her-sound familiar-even the US, her only supporter is changing direcection. God intervenes and Israel is turned from her wicked ways. A NEW Jerusalem, possibly shared, instead of divided as is now, arises.This is in the Bible.

    The truth is that Jews (not Israel) bought about 7% of the land before 1948. Most of the rest was owned by Palestinians as documented by the British Mandate.The remaining land was STOLEN from the Palestinians AS DOCUMENTED BY THE BRITISH:

    The Arabs of Canaan are the Arabs of Palestine. They were there AT LEAST EQUALLY as long as the Jews/Israelis, but they had a constant presence and a defined land. The Jews were nomadic and had NO land until what was taken from the Palestinians in 1948. Both Jews and Arabs have the same father, Abraham, whom although Semitic, possibly Hebrew, was not considered Jewish. Abraham, his parents, and his ancestry is from Babylon, which is, in fact, INSIDE the Arabian Peninsula, the origin of the Arab peoples.So he may very well have been Arab.

    Palestine is a name which has been widely used since Roman times to refer to the region that includes contemporary Israel and the Palestinian territories, parts of Jordan, and parts of Lebanon and Syria. In its narrow meaning, it refers to the area within the boundaries of the former British Mandate of Palestine (1920-1948) west of the Jordan River.

    Palestine can also refer to the Proposed Palestinian State.

    The name and the borders of Palestine have varied throughout history, though Palestine has certain natural boundaries that justify its historical individuality. Other terms that have been used to refer to all or part of this area include Arabistan, Canaan, Greater Israel, Greater Syria, the Holy Land, Iudaea Province, Israel, "Israel HaShlema", Kingdom of Israel, Kingdom of Jerusalem, Land of Israel, Levant, Retenu (Ancient Egyptian), Southern Syria, and Syria Palestina.

    Early archeological textual reference to the territory of Palestine is found in the Merneptah Stele, dated c. 1200 BCE, containing a recount of Egyptian king Merneptah's victories in the land of Canaan, mentioning place-names such as Gezer, Ashkelon and Yanoam, along with Israel, which is mentioned using a hieroglyphic determinative that indicates a nomad people, rather than a state.

    The promise that is the basis of the term "promised land" is contained in Genesis 15:18-21 of the Hebrew Bible:

    "On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abrham and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates - the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites."

    The verse is said to describe what are known as "Borders of the Land" (Gevulot Ha-aretz). In Jewish tradition these borders define the maximum extent of the land promised to the descendants of Abraham through his son Isaac(2nd born-the Jewish lineage and Ishmael the 1st born and the Arab lineage) and grandson Jacob.Even according to Hebrew customs, the oldest son, which is Ishmael, is entitled to the father's inheritance, but because Sarah despised Ishmael, she wanted Isaac to get the inheritance and had Abraham exhile Ishmael. Neither is Ishmael illegitimate but the legal son of his SECOND wife Hagar-Genesis 16: "And Sarah Abraham's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abraham had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abraham to be his WIFE(my emphasis).By Hebrew tradition, when one or the other spouse can not perform their duties, the remaining spouse can the partner's closest relative/ friend to legally fulfill those duties-in this case Hagar.

    "On that day Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham, saying, "To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates. (Genesis15:18)"Ishamael was Abraham's FIRST born.The promise is made to Abraham and the descendants of his son Ishmael(According to Hebrew law, the first born gets ALL the inheritance), Isaac, and Isaac's son Jacob, Abraham's grandson as they are all given promise that their descendants will be given a territory from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates river.No where does it say the Israelis/Jews OWNED the land, nor were they to take it from, and, kill the Palestinians. The Israelis/Jews were given a land ONLY to reside in as many Jews already had among the Palestinians.

    ***God CLEARLY states whom the land belongs to-"the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites." Of all these people, only the Palestinians whom are considered Canaanites, are still around. Except for Iran and Israel, Arabs own all of what was Canaan.***

    *According to Alexander Scholch, GERMAN JEW AND PROFESSIONAL HISTORIAN, the population of Palestine in 1850 had about 350,000 inhabitants, 30% of whom lived in 13 towns; roughly 85% were Muslims(Arabs), 11% were Christians and 4% Jews.Scholch, 1985, p. 503.

    Palestinian Demographics Link up to 1948

    The Arabs(Ishmael) were there first and the Jews(Isaac) were there second. Even according to Hebrew law, Ishmael, not Isaac, was entitled to Abraham's inheritance.

    Sarah, a mere mortal, somehow hoodwinked God and God fell for it. The Arabs were and are the MAJORITY there. The Jews, whom made up less than 5% of the population lived peacefully among their Arab hosts until the British Mandate of 1922 when FOREIGN(MOSTLY ILLEGAL-exceeding quotas set by the British) Jews with little or NO Middle East ties immigrated to Arab Palestine-swelling the population to 35%.The Arab armies(no Jews participated) had just thrown off the Ottoman Empire. The UN assigned Britain to occupy Arab Palestine(at least 90% of the population,6% other, less than 5% Jews).When the Jews became 35% of the population, they became belligerent forming murderous Jewish terrorist groups, the Stern Gang and Irgun(now democratically elected Likud-exact counter part of the Arab Hamas). They demanded a homeland carved out of ARAB Palestine and attacked and killed their Arab hosts.The British, under the British Mandate set up POLITICAL, NOT, LAND borders for Arabs and Jews-Arab Palestine was to remain ONE, COUNTRY,ONE LAND-read it closely.This ended with the Jewish stealing more land through murder of the Palestinians than the POLITICAL borders and than the UN agreed to. The UN did not ratify this until AFTER Israel formed in 1948.

    In summary of core FACTS: Arabs first and, MAJORITY, Biblically, and, scientifically, Jews second, Arabs OWNED Palestine, Jews did not, Jews STARTED the killings and land thefts under misinterpetation of God's promise,and, the British Mandate(political, NOT, land borders).ISRAEL IS VERY WRONG.

    Currently, there are 5.4 million Jews in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza strips(true Palestine). There are 5.6 million Arabs in Israel, the West Bank , and Gaza strips(true Palestine).The Arabs outnumber the Jews in true Palestine by about 200,000.Jews outnumber Arabs in Israel and Arabs outnumber Jews in the West Bank and Gaza stips-actually in almost exact mirror proportions-the two state is already up-IT NEEDS ratification.

    As for the British Mandate,read it closely-Palestine was to REMAIN one country-one land-ONLY POLITICAL borders for Jews and Arabs were assigned. Jews ERRONEOUSLY interpeted these POLITICAL borders as a Jewish COUNTRY'S borders-read it CLOSELY.

    "Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.

    Source(s): EDIT: Hebrew is NOT the same as Jew. At any rate, he was born in the Arabian Peninsula and may have been Arab. The J1 marker, often called the Arab haplomarker has been in the Arabian Penininsula(Israel is a part of this) for 40,000 years.Intelligence has nothing to do with barbarism-or you would be agreeing with Hitler and the Nazis whom slew 6,000,000 Jews-where was this Jewish superior complex than? If the Arabs united, Israel could NOT survive without God's intervention. Example-Israel is experiencing a severe FRESH water shortage-Arabs destroy source-Israel suffers- Israel is half desert. Knock out Israel power supply-Israel suffers. Knock out both, Israel is up a creek-does not even have power to launch the Atomic Bomb-even if she did, Iran(non Arab) would retaliate-don't forget two nuclear powers China and Russia are on the Arab side, while only one, the US is on Israel's side and a great distance away, unlike China and Russia-only divine intervention would save her, or, the two state peace plan with Jerusalem shared-Israel REFUSES-which do YOU think Israel should be prudent to choose? Yes, I realize Arabs in Israel would suffer to.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. Do you notice how you are applying a double standard in your question? The Palestinians are a nation with many religions, not just Islam. Actually it is Israel that is insisting on a racist state that is only for the Jews, not the other way around.

    Did you know that Palestine had only 33% of its population Jewish when the UN partition plan was voted on in the UN? Did you know that the only way Israel managed to become a country with 75% Jewish majority was by ethnically cleansing 80% of the Palestinians from that land? Did you know that the right-of-return for the Palestinian refugees to their country is affirmed by international law? Did you know that the racist Israeli law-of-return allows any Jew from any country in the world (including converts) to immigrate to and become a citizen of Israel, but at the same time does not allow the Palestinian refugees to return to their country? Did you know that the presence of Israeli settlers in the West Bank is illegal under international law and there are several UN resolutions confirming that? Did you know that Muslims, Christians and Jews lived in peace and harmony for hundreds of years in Palestine before the formation of Israel? Did you know that it was the Zionists who attacked first in 1948, not the Arabs? By the time the Arab armies intervened on 15th May 1948, the Zionists had already occupied more than a third of the area allocated to the Arab state by the UN partition plan, and had already destroyed and ethnically cleansed more than 200 Palestinian villages? The Arab armies, though outnumbered by more than 2 to 1 by the Zionists intervened to preserve whatever is possible of the land allocated to the Arab state. They only managed to save less than half of that land.

    You probably did not know all of this information, or you may have not asked such a question. Or did you know, but ignored all these facts and only tried to spread Israeli propaganda?


    My dear Kitkat, the Palestinians never said they want their country to be Jewish-free. They just say illegal settlers must leave. These settlements are built on stolen lands, which must be returned to their rightful owners.

    As for the alleged Arab armies call for Palestinians to leave, that is a myth that has been refuted even by Zionist Israeli historians such as Benny Morris, who says such a call would have accounted for no more than 5% of the exodus. Also remember that the Arab armies arrived 5 months after the Zionists started ethnically cleansing the Palestinians.

    Lastly, the native Muslim, Christian and Jewish people of Palestine did live in peace and harmony with each other for more than a thousand years before Zionism. The Crusaders (11th - 13th century) were neither native or Arab. They were European invaders, just like the Zionist European invaders. The Crusaders oppressed Muslims, Jews and Orthodox Christians, just as the Zionists oppress Arab Muslims and Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are missing the point. There was no Jewish state in Palestine prior to world war 2. What Britain did give the Zionists is 1/3 of what it has now, the rest of the land should be considered illegally occupied (Britain never had the right to give the land in the first place). How about i go into the U.S and set up my own state through violence. Why would the U.S government recognize me?

    Also, if you add up the Palestinians in the gaza strip and the west bank with the Palestinians living in Israel they do out number the zionists.

  • Israel wants a Jewish state and they are murdering Palestinian Christians and Muslims alike. Palestinians have never asked for a muslim state they just want their state back or at least having a part of it.

    Zionism is based discriminatory policies. Wanting to create a jewish homeland on the land of Palestinians by killing them is a big fat crime.

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  • 5 years ago

    because - like many other western democracies - israel believes in freedom of religion... there are laws and restrictions on the preaching, harrassment and target of jews for conversion though... and to be honest .. any christian that goes out onto any israeli street with his bible and starts talking about jesus is taking his life in his own hands any way jews and especially israelis dont take kindly at all to conversion tactics in their own back yard.. people in israel are free to believe what they want but israel is still a country founded on judaism and ive seen israelis get more than a little angry when confronted with conversion tactics :)

  • 1 decade ago

    The Palestinians are the old Philistines of the Bible-who have always warred against the children of God. They hate Jews and believe they have no right to draw a breath on this earth. They believe they can push the Jews off their land and the Jews should just 'roll over and die."

    There will eventually be war over this-its not going away.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The jewish faith and people has lasted through worse then that don't you think ? Im Half Cherokee indian and look at all the pale face over here . They think they got it bad ? The world is growing and you cant stop it but you can stop all the fighting and get with the program .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    bla bla bla. fact is east jeruselum does not belong to israel. nor does the gaza strip. but they annexed it while waving the old testement as a justification... hmm, using religious texts to justify ur atrocities. i guess israel and the jihadists have a lot in common

    EDIT: get a history lesson Kitkat. east jerusalem has always been an arab town. whether it's a hebrew or jedi or french word. israels declaration of sovereignty over it was declared null-and-void by the UN and the international community regards it as de facto annexation

  • 1 decade ago

    They are asking for more than a muslim Israel, they are asking for the complete annihilation of Israel and all the Jews. The revisionists of islam are slowly misrepresenting the history of Jerusalem and Israel to suit their own needs.

    They don't want a muslim Israel, they want the whole fvcking world! Jerusalem and Israel is just part of the parcel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, you are right. In fact, many Palestinian militants insist that all of Israel should be part of Palestine, and Muslim.

    Gaza, since the Israelis withdrew in 2005, have not a single Jew living there. And they still attack Israel more or less daily with their rockets.

    Israel, from the beginning, welcomed all Arabs who were living there to stay on as full Israeli citizens.

  • 1 decade ago

    this will never happen the Palestinians belong in Jordan not israel

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