I want to start my own healthy garden of veggie and fruits?

I have around a quarter of an acer of land and with the economy and all the heath concerns about killer bacteria and chemicals, I want to feel like I can do something about my family's health
The problems is, I have no idea where to start or what to buy and how to get started. I live in canada, in a banana belt and we have long summers and fall

Any advice would be much appreciated

Thanks in advance


Favorite Answer

Nick and Ghostbuster both have given some great advice. Don't start with too large a garden: A lot of novices try, then get overwhelmed and give up.

If your soil is hard to dig in, you might want to actually build raised beds: Those are easier to weed, when the weeds actually come up, and you won't have soil drainage problems. You might even want to see what you can find about Lasagna gardening. The reason it's called that is because it's built with layers, starting with several sheets of wet newsprint to kill off the weeds and grass where you want to plant- then layers of compost, kitchen scraps, and perhaps fallen leaves.

See what you can find about companion planting. There are certain groups of plants that actually benefit each other, and pests are less likely to get into them.

If there are any gardening groups in your area, join them.

Good luck!


First thing you have to consider is whether or not you have the time to tend a garden. Of course that all depends on how large you make it too.

So I suggest starting off small this year and if you find you do have the time to spend weeding, watering, planting, trimming, and getting down and dirty, then you can expend the ground you're working with a little each year.

The other thing you will have to consider is how you're going to keep vermin out of the garden, because I guarantee you you will have problems with animals getting in and destroying everything.

Money well spent on a good fence is the best solution, but do make it a large fence since you will probably be expending the garden in the coming years.

And it has to be a kind of fence that goes several decimeters down into the ground to prevent vermin from tunneling underneath the fence.

You may want to consider installing a spicket near your new garden too to save watering time. But watering is mostly needed for newly installed plants unless it's also a dry Summer.

Now, being that you'll be digging out this new garden this year I won't worry about what to plant for now though you will most likely be getting some good tips from the others who are responding.


Ghosthunters Cook Book2009-01-07T03:32:12Z

Read everything on food gardening you can get a hold of especially now when the weather is not good for garden work. Organic Gardening mag. and Mother Earth News and your local library are good places to start, also the internet. See if you can find any classes or maybe volunteer at a community garden. Perhaps you have an elderly friend or neighbor who is a good gardener that is needing a little help.


I know that you probably want to grow your fruit and veggie garden on your 1/4 of an acre..

But I know these really amazing things called Earth Boxes..
They are so easy and so simple to use.. and they ensure that your fruits and veggies will be watered just the right amount daily.

I know this may not be the information you are looking for but I personally know that they work great.. and they are probably easier than having to plant your fruits and veggies right into the ground..

Here is a website in case you wanna look into these Earth Boxes:


i built great box gardens(above ground) no weeding!,with just landscape timbers,about 3 high nailed together,so it's about 8ftX8Ft,squared,and we loaded it with nice rich dirt from a nursery,after we put down black cloth to block the grass underneith.,we had a beautiful summer garden,and aree having a great winter crop,so easy to walk into,a small fence goes around it,and we can open it to go in& out,this way no small animals get in,and with this way of gardening,every plant has lot;s of air circulation,and no weeds,and you can make a lot of them cheap,good luck,and happy harvest!!!

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