Always getting in conflicts with my close friend?

I have a general confllict with my close friend. I'm not really sure what it is though. I just get bothered by him when he does certain stuff, but i don't know how to respond to it without offending him.

Example, he hits me jokingly telling me to do something and I don't want to do it... I don't want to make a big deal out of it by saying, "I don't like it when you hit me" or something like that. How can I deal with those sorts of things without being socially awkward???


Well first off, if you told your friend to stop it and they keep doing it they arent a true friend. A friend will respect your feelings and stop but than again you dont want to tell them because they will turn behind your back and say stuff about you. I had this friend who I'd just met and she spent the night and if I said something negative about myself she would hit me and I didnt have the strength to say stop or cut it out because it didnt affect me at the moment until I really thought about it.
So if he does it again dont sit around and let him do it again his abusing your friendship so stand up and say hey cut it out and if he laughs, walk away because hes not a real friend but if he says fine and he stops than it should work out. need anymore help message me (:


Just tell him politely that you don't like it when he hits you like that. If he is your close friend, he'll understand.