I could be eating cat hairs!!?

I know this isn't a baby question, but I feel comfortable in this section, and I value your opinions! I am the manager of a small hotel, and one of my housekeepers makes lunch for all of the employees at least once a week (which is SUPER nice!)... However, I have a weird phobia of eating things from houses that I've never been in before... It's nothing personal - she's a super nice lady, and I'm sure her house is clean (she's a housekeeper by trade, for cryin' out loud!), but I just can't do it. What can I say to politely refuse without hurting her feelings? She empties my trash, so I have a hard time throwing stuff in there... And, I've told her I'm on a diet ("You don't need to be on a diet - here - eat!"), I'll just have a taste (then she brings me an entire plateful anyway!)... What to do?

~~Daniel's Mommy~~2009-01-12T14:11:52Z

Favorite Answer

If she doesn't stand over you while you eat, bring a ziplock bag and dump it in there, hide that in your purse/gymbag and discard when you get home. :) I understand not wanting to eat other peoples food.


Tell her you have food allergies and have to be really careful about what you eat. I have celiac disease and can't eat wheat (which is really restricting). The minute I say I have a food allergy, people understand and don't say another word.