Do you believe in miracles?


Gaze forward
Beyond the clock
Leave now behind
And feel the push
The living urge
To reach up and see
The light
Feel the power
The immensity of it
And hold, hold the moment
Bring it back, back, back
To now, here.
See the miracle
In your hand
A seed.


Yes Ziggie, about ten minutes ago when I found a seed in my pocket and the moment caught me unawares.


Conway, I was making a point about the fact that miracles are all around us if we but have eyes to see them.
A small brown piece of dried vegetation in my pocket holds the blueprint for a thirty foot tall, fruit producing factory that will grow into a home for birds and a provider of food and shelter for us if it is only put into a piece of ground with some water. An apple seed. A living, breathing miracle in my pocket! That's what the poem is about.

Another miracle might be a thought, an idea in your mind that becomes the next great invention, the Matsushita Corporation, IBM, General Motors. These all started out as a germ or an idea, a seed. Now look at them1.


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I feel this has special meaning to me as I have been suffering under something and need to move beyond it. Miracles really are all around us. Thank you for the great read!

Edit to Giggles -
What he said was "I am glad I am not alone in how things, seemingly trivial, can get one's mind twirling."

He doesn't mean the words are trivial. He means that something that seems trivial to someone else (finding a seed) can launch your thoughts and lead you to this kind of creativity.


Yes, I believe in miracles. 3 times I was dead. the instruments flat lined, twice the doctors got me back in a few seconds. The third time I was gone for 2 minutes when they gave up and quit. At 2 minutes and 20 seconds, I came back on my own. No, not on my own, I had help. I had a miracle in my life,, and I am here writing poetry and sharing the love I got with those who will accept it.


sure, I do believe in miracles and characteristic been on the receiving end of God's mind-blowing therapeutic, to boot as seeing miracles someplace else. Your comments call to innovations Mark 6 v 5 -- Jesus did no longer carry out many miracles in His residing house city with the aid of fact people did no longer believe. in line with danger that's with the aid of fact people do no longer anticipate miracles to ensue that they do no longer see them of their lives.


I beg to differ with Neon, I don't think what happened was 'trivial'. The moments of reflection are what makes us better and the 'little' thing that caused the reflection is the miracle, not a trivial thing. It is always a miracle and we only sometimes see the magic of it.

Nice write this.


Plant a seed and watch it grow,
Yes! a miracle to behold.

Nice pen, no explanation needed, your words speak clear.

Thank you Cheeth, for enlighting giggles.

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