Getting rid of this jet lag?

I flew home (NY) from Thailand last weekend and am now trying to cope with the jet lag. I have to try to get rid of it because I have classes all week. Last night I fell asleep at 8:30pm and woke up at 11pm. Then I force myself to sleep at 2am and naturally woke up at 7:30am (didn't have to wake up till 11am). Any suggestions on what I can do to ease out of this jet lag? I am falling asleep during lecture because of it. I heard taking a walk outside in the natural sunlight will help rewind the clock, but it is winter and it is cloudy and snowy everyday.


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You'll naturally adjust in a couple of days. When I flew back home from Hawaii earlier in the year, I had to cope with an eight hour jet lag. I just took a sleeping pill, slept for 12 hours and went about my day.

Sure I was out of wack with when I should be sleeping and awake, but after two days, I was back to normal. There's really nothing you can do other than just be patient! I travel international all the time, so I just get used to it.


honestly there isn't much to do but in a couple of days we will adjust to the time here. i had the same problem when i came back home to jersey city after going to india in summer. i always slept during the day and was awake at night and i got worried as my school was gonna start in 5 days. i had that problem for 3 days but then got used to our time. it all depends on the person but u should be back to normal probably by the end of the week. just be patient. jet lag is always an issue when flying east and flying east always gives u the heaviest jet lag. so my advise be calm and patient.


Get outside! The daylight will make you want to stay awake longer!
Watch a movie and stay up until you would normally go to bed.
Eat your meals at your regular times.
Splash yourself with water, or go have a shower!
Do whatever you can to stay awake!

The more you let yourself fall asleep early, the longer your jet lag will occur.


When travel to Italy, the first thing I do to "feel" like myself again in take 2 Tylenol and take a nap


take tylenol PM it should work