Star Wars or Star Trek?

My favorite is Star Wars, which is miles better than Star Trek, but i was wondering, what everyone else preffered of the 2.


Favorite Answer

Star Trek by far!!!

Ewoks??? Blue Elephants playing keyboards in Jabba's lair? psshhhhh


Star Wars Forever


Star Trek owns Star Wars. Captains like Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and Janeway own Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and anyone else from Star Wars. Not to mention the fact that Star Trek came first. The USS Enterprise was soaring through the cosmos years before Luke and Leia were even thought of. Star Trek is 4 series, I do not count Enterprise, 10 movies, with an 11th on the way. Several fan-made series and a plethora of novels and other books. Klingon has also been made into a language by itself, Star Wars has no sweet made up language.

Sub-Zero, Chinese Ninja2009-01-20T10:46:08Z

Star Wars, definitely Star Wars.


Star Wars by a Mile! I'm not much into this type of movies but I have to admit that Star Wars is a lot better.

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