Do you feel the cold at this time of year?

Threadbare mists advance
Infiltrating the treeline
Creating a landscape of wraiths,
Spectres, tree-skeletons.
A muslin veil over
A half-world of
Soft shadows and
Sensed shapes,
Frost-rimed ephemera..
Fog flows up the valley
On ponderous lion's paws
A visual avalanche
Of silent white
Pillowed on the land
Sound and vibrancy
Choked off, stymied,
Hidden from view
In a sepulchre of
Swirling purest samite.
Timeless limbo
Holding off the sun
Until the light fades
And ice forms.
Winter reigns.


Tony, I always associate samite with the beautiful, almost glowing white altar cloth that was used for High Mass and Benediction at my school Church during the sixties. It was, I believe, actually a true samite cloth with flecks of gold along the edge. This was the image I was thinking of when I looked down from the building site where I work as the valley below was silently flooded by mist and fog. I appreciate the comments, thank you. The comparison with Tennyson is somewhat giddying!! Lol!


Favorite Answer

It's too cold to turn the pages of the dictionary, damn it!

Your vocabularitory muscles serve you well with this write. And I'm so pleased I just created the word vocabularitory.

Tony h2009-01-21T04:40:55Z

Good stuff! Lovely imagery. I love it.
Like Tennyson you seem to think that Samite is a gauzy fabric, don't you? It isn't. Dictionary definition is a heavy silk fabric often with gold interwoven.
Still, making the same mistake as Tennyson can't be all bad.



Intrusivosity With Medium Doubt2009-01-21T12:36:24Z

The poem is totally cool. (pun and Cali -speak intended)

I see you sitting with a few fellow hard hats
writing this verse, shielding your face from
pieces of sandwiches......:)

My Grain2009-01-21T04:26:47Z

No cos I'm in Cambodia at the moment.

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