Can't we just have a sub-category for people who want to be in the "DARWIN AWARDS" ?
After seeing a question on using a 45 Long Colt cartridge in a 410 shotgun AGAIN, people looking for mercury, 50% of the damn Mall Ninjas not knowing crap about a real weapon, I'm amazed some of these people are even allowed to walk upright. "I have a homemade dart with a barb and it's stuck in me" has to be right up there, but at least he got it out of the dog! My 11 year old knows more about weapons,shooting,ethics and morality than some adults do. When people ask about wildlife harassment, like what happens when I shoot a bear with a 22LR from far away, or can I kill a 1800 pound Cape Buffalo with a 25-06 it just shows how ill prepared these people are. At least they are asking but the lack of knowledge is just horrific.So, IF Yahoo reorganizes can we please have a Darwin section for these type questions to drop into.
But I actually like curling for some reason.
When dealing with weapons that are designed to contain small explosions of powder to make projectiles travel at supersonic velocities you would hope they do some research before they do real harm.
Favorite Answer
I'm all for it. I remember the question about the kid with the homemade barbed dart stuck in himself and his dog! A question yesterday about bullet sizes, actual dimensions for pulled bullets from 7.62x54 ammo being sized down and used for reloading 308 cases, was answered by a complete idiot who HAS LESS KNOWLEDGE ABOUT FIREARMS AND RELOADING THAN MY DEER HOUND DOES. Another question from a few months ago where a guy wanted load data for some cartridge, i forget which one it was, and some other idiot answers him with load data that would BLOW THE DAMN RIFLE TO PIECES!!! Yes, let's have a darwin awards section for questions, and for dumbass answers too! Maybe a wall of shame for answerers who have no business answering any firearms related questions. I can only hope that the people who ask questions here, take ANY answers they get with a grain of salt until they research it for themselves!
You forgot about the 1120m fox shooter who wants a load to shoot a camel at that range. That sort of thing aside we need to give good answers to people who want to know how things are done in the real world. The best we can do is answer the real questions as best we can. I am sorry but the stupid answers don't help (even if they are funny, I put my hand up for this too) those of us who have real life experience need to do our best to educate those who seek knowledge. The ignorant annoy me far more with their obviously wrong answers. What is with telling someone what they want to hear and being chosen as the right answer, sorry I forgot myself for a second, kids and idiots are the rule but there are exceptions so please keep the good advice flowing. To counter some of the crap on here.
edit: Boker your deer hound might be very knolagable for all we know.
What annoys me is the people that ask a question and a dozen people have a really good answer, but the askers chooses the answer that they want to hear whether it's right or wrong. Also airsoft questions on here drive me nuts.
It only proves my theory all alond that Darwin was WRONG! Or most of these people ( or really their parents, because most of them are children) should have been eliminated by stupidity from the gene pool generations ago. It's getting harder and harder to find any kind of relevant, intelligent questions to answer on here.......