Everyone is so quiet - is everyone ok?

Hey everyone........all my contacts especially in TTC and pregnancy....everyone is so quiet!!! nobody is posting questions....(me included!!!)

I know this whole TTC journey is so bloody difficult.......but just to remind you all that I am here for you!!! and I am ALWAYS hoping for you all that you get your little Angels sooner rather than later!!!!! xxxxxxxx

hope you are all ok!!!!!!! (lola honey, you are especially quiet.....not that you were the loudest or anything.......but you were always around somewhere!!!!! )

Calla Lily Purple2009-01-23T06:20:13Z

Favorite Answer

Hi Bago,

I finished my second round of Clomid, I got a few high readings on my Clearblue fertility monitor, then I got two peak readings, one on Tuesday & on Wednesday. Then a high reading yesterday and today a low reading.Me and the hubby bd whenever we could, I am just waiting for Fertility Friend to confirm ovulation. So please pray for us and wish us some baby dust.

P.s. this was my first cycle using Preseed so I hope it gave a little boost. LOL!!!


hey love! how are you and the bump?? maybe we are just at the 2 week wait part where you cant really do much (i know i am)...

i have just got to a point where i dont feel i am really trying, life is just plodding on, starting a new job next mon and focusing on that! (af due the day before so worried the pain will affect my first day =( )
have my post op follow up end of feb so will be discussing where to go form here with consultant, not much i can do till then =)

one thing i am a little excited about is i have a saving plan to save up for when baby is finally here/ and or when we get our own place (nesting lol) its good to focus...

wishing you all the best as you do for us, take care of you (both ) !


We are still here too just been busy with Jacob!!!! He is pushing his luck at the moment!!! My friend has just given him a book called my mummy has a house i her tummy!!! He doesn't like it!! If you ask about the babba he points to a picture of him!! LOL!!

All okay heard the heartbeat on Wednesday which was good and also posted a question as my boss was refusing to pay me for midwife visits but got great response which directed me to a government website and said they have to pay you!!! Ha ha!!! Hae send him an email ... funnily enough no response yet!!

Hope ya all well.... hmmmm the loud one has been quiet!!




hiya hunni!!!!!

im fine thanx, we had a bug in our computers and the internet went down lol (well it wouldnt let me sign into yahoo) i thought my arms had been chopped off lol.

i thought the same as u though hunni, i feel so out the loop, i miss every1, xxxxx

hope ur ok hunni, had 2 move my appt to feb 3rd due to af but gives me a bit of time to get used 2 the idea.

hope ur bugs gone luvly xxxxx

lots of hugs xxxxx

Dobby mum of 22009-01-23T04:54:55Z

Hey hun i'm still here too, i just cant think of anything to ask really. AF is due on 4th Feb so just waiting to see if she comes.... hopefully not lol. seems ages away tho hmm....... spose i only did ovulate this week i so hope i was covered. i'm just so impatient lol.

Hope everything is good with you to xxx

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