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I'm with it .... but i am an American Communist and there are few of us at the moment, i began to study the readings of Karl Marx when i was young, my father is a life long union member and i had relatives that still send wreaths to Lenin's Tomb. I became convinced in college that the economic class struggle, historical materialism, alienation, and revolution which Marx spoke of are the only means which workers have of overthrowing the system of wage slavery that predominates the world over ....
Christopher K
If you are old enough to remember the USSR, you should know this. If you're not, here it is. Part of a communist state is that no one makes any more than anyone else, and people who have heretofore had profitable jobs will make no more than a bagger at a supermarket, That;s not right, considering that many of the people with profitable jobs(lawyers, doctors, businessmen, etc.) deserve the more money they make because (a) they do tangible benefits to the world, and (b) they had to get higher education in order to be able to do those jobs, and the higher pay is simply giving back to them. A communist system is not only unjust that way, but it tolerates no criticism, and people who do so "disappear".Any system that wants to maintain this would have to be a dictatorship, because in a form of government as we have, enough people would be against such things that it wouldn't work.
Communism doesn't work. It never has. It never will.
It leads to mediocrity and stagnation. It breeds contempt and mistrust.
There is no need to innovate or excel.
Clearly, I am against it.
there is not a communist nation which is not effectively a dictatorship
Communism means everyone owns everything and noone owns anything. Bad idea.