Anyone have a bad or funny LAST NAME?

what would you do (ladies) if you were totally in love with a guy and wanted to get married but he wanted you to take his last name? and it was something really ridiculous like "Butt" or "Blewitt" or "Foote"??? I know a gal who is in a dilemma b/c the guy is mad about her not wanting the his funny name, but who would?? suggestions??


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in high school there was a boy with the last name Fruckter and there is a ball player named Coco Crisp. the name is not as important as the qualities that you love in a person, she could still use her maiden name publicly or hyphenate the two.

Kayla G2009-01-26T23:53:59Z

I had a friend named Qualmi Butts.


mine's Blackstock DX but i did know a boy named John Butts xDD but yeah i would marry a guy w/ a weird last name lol


hahah there was a girl in my year called jenna taylia. say it fast.
yeah i honestly don't know what i would do in her situation, i think i would just keep my own name. i mean it wouldn't bother me other than knowing that should i have children, they'd pay for it big time in school. what if they combined and hyphenated their last names to take the edge off it?

B W2009-01-26T23:50:54Z

I think that if you get married and it is a funny last name then keep your last name but still get married.

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