translation from japanese to english?

Could someone please translate this from Japanese to English for me? I can't read the kanji so most of the meaning eludes me...



Baby Kangaroo2009-01-28T05:56:20Z

Favorite Answer

the sentence doesn't make a lot of sense...

"first of all, i date rogan everyday and i say this because (i was asked)


Have some nice gibberish machine translations for you:

1,《主語なし》Because it was and declares って that is dating to low cancer every day in the meantime あひゃひゃ

2. I declare that you're from TOITA dating to Logan every day now
YAHYA fire

2.a) YAHYA TOITA day I declared from day to Logan and she's now dating

3. Since it declared that it dated to Logan for the time being every day, it is あひゃひゃ.

4. YAHYA TOITA day I declared from day to Logan and she's now dating


hahaha I have declared to rogan(one of the roppongi pimp who wanna *** on japanese chicks' chest?)that I date every day.