Natural remedies for anxiety disorders/panic attacks?

My 17 year old son has symptoms of anxiety. We know the things that can be done medically, but we're looking first at natural remedies. Does anyone know what aromatherapies work best? Vitamins/minerals/herbs? Music therapy? Other? Thanks!


emigirl6---he's been to both his physician and he is currently in counseling. Thanks for the input!


Favorite Answer

There are many different counseling methods that incorporate behavior techniques to address stress and anxiety. Medication can be useful in some situations, but tranquilizes should never be a long term “cure” for stress.

Natural cures for stress and anxiety include behavior management techniques, proper diet and exercise, herbal remedies and yoga techniques. These will actually work towards alleviating your stress.


I really feel for you, I have a son of a similar age&would be so worried if he were to suffer anxiety. I have suffered anxiety myself since about 9yrs old-so thats about 22years. You're obviously addressing his issues with counselling which is great,he's lucky to have such great parents!The 2 most valuable things I ever used were Bach Flower Rescue (or Recovery) Remedy, it sounds silly that a bunch of petals made into a tincture can make you feel calm but they really are great.
Respected psycho analyst David Landau has a range of cd's to help overcome anxiety, I was lucky enough to meet him by chance one day at the airport (I was in the full throws of a complete panic attack!)I got 2 cd's, cost a pittance and I havent looked back since, its been 10 months since my last panic attack:) I cant sing his praises enough&I really hope you give it a try. I wish your son a speedy recovery:)


I have tried all of the suggested natural remedies, and none of them ever did any good. The only thing that helped me are tranquilizers prescribed by a physician. Panic attacks are serious and should not be treated lightly. If it has continued for more than a couple of weeks, he should seek professional care.


There are 2 programs out there that are famous for treating Panic Attacks and Anxiety successfully.
They are: Panic Away and The Linden Method.

You may wonder, "Which one is better?" Don't worry, you're not the only one with that question.

The Panic Away program is more appropriate for people who can cope with their Panic Attacks or Anxiety well.
Linden Method is more for those who aren't really good in coping their Panic Attacks or Anxiety well.

Check out the reference for the full comparison.


I have anxiety and what works for me is cutting down or stopping caffeine whether it be coffee or pop or energy drinks. Caffeine is a trigger of anxiety. Also, going in a dark room where its quiet and trying to sleep, or playing some soft music also works. If it is an attack where he is hyperventilating have him breathe slow in thru his nose ans slowly out thru his mouth- this helps stop any tingling sensations in his legs or arms that may occur and also possible dizzy spells. If he starts to get the nausiated or sick feeling like he is going to throw up...get him to a bucket or receptor because he probably will throw up for sure. Also he may want to make sure he eats a balanced meal due to his sugar levels may also effect his anxiety onset such as mine does. Writing his stressors or feelings or things such as that in a private journal will help get some of the thoughts out of his head so his conscious or subconscious do not dwell on them as much and it may help him to get rid of them all together. hope this helps.

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