How do you want to improve the world?

Here is my thought.
1. The problems in the world that people have control over, are caused because of people's actions or lack thereof.
2. Actions are determined by choices.
3. If we improve people's choices, the actions and outcome will improve.
4. There are at least two things that will improve choices, better thinking skills and better intended outcomes.
5. Improving thinking skills can be achieved by teaching critical thinking.
6. In order to teach critical thinking to everyone, it should be a mandatory class in High Schools.

So, I want to improve the world through making critical thinking classes mandatory in High Schools. I recognize that there is already an emphasis on teaching critical thinking in other subject, but I don't feel that it is enough. It should be it's own class.

To determine how much and what ways we should teach every class in schools, we should find a way to estimate the outcome of various methods and use it to find the proper balance.

I will query better intended outcomes in a different question.


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Critical thinking classes would be one way, yes.

However one would think an even greater thing to do would be to improve the world in Many ways, thus creating more prosperous intellectual what-have-you.

Of course, not that i'm saying you shouldn't start small...


I think that the best improvement would be for us to all realize that things will improve no matter how much we invest ourselves. I think it would be a lot better if our school systems got rid of tests and encouraged kids to learn things that they want to learn so as to develop their innate curiosity about the world around them. Doing what we want to do is to do what we need, confusing the two is dividing yourself more than necessary.


By making hippie love not war... :]


by not having any desire!