Can U Believe this Email I rec'd.from Obama's Move On org. RE: DONATING MONEY to help w/Economy Legislation?
Please, help me understand how legislation being passed by our ELECTED OFFICIALS is any cause for these DEMOCRATS to be SOLICITING even MORE MONEY? Why should WE be paying for ads especially this guy that IS *supposedly* out of work?! Your thoughts please! From ALL Parties! Thanks!
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: James Spitzer <>
To: Diana XXXXX <>
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 1:35:34 PM
Subject: My situation
My family's been directly impacted by this crisis. Passing Obama's economic recovery package would help my family and millions of others. But, to do it, we need to swing a few Republicans, so MoveOn is airing ads in key states. Can you chip in $25 to help air the ad?
Click Here
Dear fellow MoveOn member,
I'm James. I'm a MoveOn member, dad to two teenagers, and, until recently, I had a pretty good job in construction. But the company I worked for lost a lot of projects when the economy tanked, and I got laid off, without much notice.
So I wanted to write to ask for your help. Not help for me, but for all the folks who are out of a job or otherwise struggling in this recession. Let me explain.
President Obama's economic recovery plan just passed in the House—it's got billions of dollars for education, mass transit, and clean energy. But what really gets me is that not a single Republican voted for it, despite all the efforts by President Obama to reach across the aisle. If the same thing happens in the Senate, it won't pass. But millions of families like mine need it to pass—it could put me, my former coworkers, and millions of other Americans back to work—and turn this economy around.
We need to get some Republicans on board. MoveOn has ads ready to go in key states—states where Republican senators are deciding right now whether or not to support Obama's plan. But time is running short. I just chipped in, and I hope you can help, too. Click here to contribute:
A new stimulus might mean a new job for me—weatherizing homes or constructing green affordable housing. It'd give my kids' school some much needed funding. And it could mean real investments in mass transportation to ease traffic and cut emissions.
This is a big moment, both for my family and for families around the country. If thousands of us act, we can get these swing senators to change their votes. But we'll need to do it fast—the vote could come as early as next week. I hope you can help out.
Thanks for being such a great community. And thanks for all you do.
–James Spitzer, your fellow MoveOn member
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Diana Heath on January 30, 2009. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.
** WHAT GETS ME -- as a VERY ashamed registered Democrat --- Is that they would solicit money even from people in THEIR PARTY who are OUT of WORK, NEEDY, BEING FORECLOSED ON, or anything else! They have NO SHAME! I get NOTHING LIKE THIS FROM the REPUBLICAN PARTY! Now you tell me... Which Party is the MONEY HUNGRY, GRUBBIN' BUNCH! Who will do ANYTHING to ACHIEVE WHAT THEY WANT?! ** Now, I'm sure we'll begin hearing from the bobble-heads who've been trained by the propagandized robots to repeat the well-rehearsed MANTRA that's REPEATED in UNISON by the ENTIRE PARTY!
Dearest Caldwood: How, as a TRUE AMERICAN who LOVES her Country & would DIE for it without a seconds thought, NOT FEEL ANY other way?! How can BEGGING money from People on Their LAST LEG FINANCIALLY – WHO Obama PROMISED to HELP IMMEDIATELY! Be the ANSWER to SAVING this Country? If YOU think that’s the ANSWER, Sir, then you’d best crawl further back in your cave, pull up the covers & keep hiding under them, & PLEASE do continue those hypnotic drugs the Democratic Party has filled you full of! When you’re unable to even ADMIT to ANY Fallacies that come up pertaining to ANYTHING THEY DO, then YOU’RE LOST Son! YOU’RE NO HELP to this Country or It’s People! I’m a reg. Democrat though I DIDN’T vote for Obama because his LESS THAN 3-MONTHS in the Senate DIDN’T prepare him for the biggest job in the World, but I was ready to SUPPORT him! However, after his 1st DAY on the Job he showed me that would be IMPOSSIBLE!
He’s PROVEN he DOESN’T have America of US in his BEST INTEREST! He’s worried MORE about Terrorists, FORCING Abortions on poor black girls in 3rd World Countries, RESEARCHING BEES, ReSodding the National Mall – Where I know is the site of weekend family & friends picnics, touch football & Frisbee games! So, please tell me what in blue blazes good is it to SOD it? Costing so MANY 100s of MILLIONS of $$ that could be USED for reopening Factories, Jobs…? Throw some GRASS SEED on it goodness sakes just a thought - Let nature take it’s course - Leave it ALONE! America NEEDS so MUCH MORE right now than grass on the “Mall” in D.C. for people to PLAY on! The frost would kill it anyway! If those weren’t BAD ENOUGH! He’s BRINGING 10s of THOUSANDS JUST to BEGIN with - of “Displaced” IRAQI REFUGEES – Mainly SINGLE WOMEN w/CHILDREN – as if we DON’T have enough of those to SUPPORT all ready! To OUR COUNTRY! YES! They will be ADDED to OUR Welfare Rolls! Now where’s that a TAX Cut?
Thanks so much, justgetitright, for the breakdown! That put it in a lot more perspective; though, I wish you'd went even further w/ALL the OTHER Pork barrel garbage that really has me jumping at the gate!