Taxpayers Unite! Do we REALLY need the Government to SPEND 75 MILLION dollars on...?

Taxpayers Unite! Do we REALLY need the Government to SPEND 75 MILLION dollars on...?
a "No Smoking" Campaign now????

When people are losing their homes and jobs?

Is this IDIOCY or what?

Taxpayers Unite!


Smokers NEVER get tax cuts...they are already taxed for smoking. 75 Million is YOUR money you want YOUR money to go for No Smoking Campaign??? Huh? I think NOT....

Ret. Sgt.2009-02-02T15:26:43Z

Favorite Answer

Just kickbacks from someone in there I am sure. Tobacco companies have always paid "protection money" to both political parties just so they wont get shut down. But you'll notice how many states and cities forbid smoking by law now.

I think the political systems is just about done getting kickbacks and money from Tobacco companies if there aren't protecting the industry.

My theory is, that within a few more years, pot will be legal but you'll go to prison for possession of a carton of cigarettes. Tobacco should quit supporting the political parties. Politics aren't likely to shut down tobacco because of the tax revenue. Start putting pressure back on the politicians.

curious connie2009-02-02T18:24:42Z

No. The "Don't smoke" campaign has gone on for ages. People know by now. Hundreds of millions of dollars have already been spent. The government already wastes to much money. Dig deep enough and they will probably find the sponsors of this in the pay of the media. Television and the print media are the ones making money from these ads.


The government is going to add another dollar tax to the price of a pack of cigarettes.

I sure am glad I quit.


The no smoking campaign has been going on for decades now, everybody knows. It makes me wonder where that money is really going to go. I still don't believe they spent $700.00+ for toilet seats.

old fart2009-02-02T17:22:42Z

NO! smokers pay lots of taxes.

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