To all Browns fans, how about those Steelers?

I know Browns fans hate Pitt, so I just thought I would rub it in a little! Tell me your thoughts.


Britty........if you were a true Steelers fan, you would love this question, so don't give me that bs!

Aaron W2009-02-02T12:59:04Z

Favorite Answer

**** browns GO STEELERS ONLY TEAM WITH THE MOST SUPERBOWL WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peanut Brittle2009-02-02T21:14:29Z

My thoughts are:

Why do you have to ask this question?
Yes, the Steelers won. I think everyone gets it by now. You don't need to brag about it though, specifically to single out browns fans. Really, what difference does that make?

Have some class, man.

Edit: Love this question? Being a true Steeler fan doesnt mean you have to brag about winning the superbowl and expect every fan to agree with you.

Honestly, the last thing I want to be is come across as arrogant and a showoff.

I just like to be a little bit more down to earth and keep the bragging to myself.


I love the Steelers man.
Proud to call myself a fan. =)

Erica M2009-02-02T20:59:14Z

Oh, so you have nothing better to do with your time? I'd just like to know what they expect to do to me with a towel. So menacing...LINENS!!!!! They're coming to get me!


i personally think you have no life for asking this question

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