Plane ticket protection help?

I'm planning a trip in April to New Jersey from Oklahoma City. I can pay the base price (About $360 on most sites) right now, but I need a ticket with protection, because before I can go, I need approval from my job. Does anyone know of any sites or companies that cover that kind of situation under protection?


Favorite Answer

By "protection" I take it you mean you want a refundable ticket. Sorry, those generally cost more - a lot more.

The Shadow2009-02-03T02:19:57Z

If you are referring to travel insurance, it only covers specific reasons such as illness or death. It typically does not cover you if you decide that you don't want to travel or you cannot get time off from work.

The only "protection" that you can buy is to purchase a refundable ticket and that will be very expensive.

The best protection of all is to get your boss to approve the time off before you buy the ticket.

Diane B2009-02-02T22:38:52Z

It can be covered in most cases by your airline, you should be able to buy it for about $15 per person. When you get online to pourchace your flight. (At least w/ NWA) - (northwesr airlines)