If you could be reincarnated?

If you could be reincarnated,What or who would you like to come back as?


Favorite Answer

A dog...they got it made. Plus I wouldn't look so darn ridiculous every time I lick my rear end.


there is NO "who" EVER!
there is you, and a possibility to become holy or be sent to HELL.

western beliefs of reincarnation a flawed, and needs be corrected.

karma is not a system of punishment because you did something evil its a system of learning how to become righteous and holy.
those that are criminals are not reincarnated, they are left in a place which is often called a prison.

reincarnation is NOT intended to happen for a thousand lifetimes. either.

BAD A$$ CHICKEN2009-02-04T01:53:24Z



YAY ASHLEY! me too, a wolf. or a fish (big one like a shark) b/c ive always wondered what life would be like underwater. come to think of it, a human is one of the last things I would choose


A human being. Anything else would seem like a bad dream after being a human. :)

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.

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