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Do you think that you reincarnate thru your children.?

I just heard Gene Simmons from KISS say that when he gave birth to his first born son he "felt if a part of me was going to live on".....

I found that to be an odd statement.

On a cellular level this is true isnt it....?

Aren't our cells immortal if we can transfer them to a new body via procreation..?

Or is it something else that reincarnates..?

If you don't have children are you done ..?



i guess the way i see it is that the cells used to create the pathways are mine more-so then they are my childs...just as mine are not my cells but actually my parents those pathways are created and destroyed through reinforcement and extinction is relative to experience...but still those cells are mine, half mine, only without the toxic emotional imprints(aging) because it is a new life without any memory. and i guess working backwards my cells being my parents..and theirs being their parents...back and back and back until where do we get??? we get to the very now we see that every one of us is a refraction of the original there is no individual...we are all connected because we all came from an original source which divided and divided and divided until here we are all 7billion of us all thinking we are independent and have separate lives and reincarnations..essentially no different except very minute physical really reincarn

Update 2:

i guess it got cut off....whatever...i rambled on about the esoteric meaning of vampires and how when you kill the original one they all die because they were made vampire from the one original vampire blood...and i went on to say that in much the same way once we are ready to move past reincarnation it will be all of us at the same time and not one person and then another and another etc..its all or nothing because we are all the same. im crazy yeah i know...

Update 3:

i extended it rambler...take your time i wanna hear what your view is

11 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Reincarnation has nothing to do with reproduction. These bodies are mere vehicles and when they're gone, they're gone. Our energy, however, is a different story. The ego would like to think that our children are reincarnations of past relatives, but from what I understand, that's not necessarily so. We reincarnate into whatever body we need to learn the lessons we've selected for that lifetime. That said, I have read that sometimes we choose to come back to the same "souls" but in different roles. For example, a husband & wife may choose to reincarnate into mother & child in their next life. Notice that I keep saying "choose" because I absolutely feel that we are the architects of our own reality.

  • 10 years ago

    I dont find this to be an odd statement at all. I think it's a human instinct to want their genes to live on....& the way they do it is by having children. So i guess on a genetic level, if you don't have children you are "done". However i don't really believe that. I think that if every single person to have the desire to have children Were to have children just to pass on their genes or w.e we would have a problem....which in fact we do right now, imo.

    Does not having children mean youre "done"...well not really. People are made up of the same genetic material, just in a different order. All our DNA is made up of adenine, guanine, cytosine, & thymine- only in a different order. So even tho it's f&cking rad how different combinations of these things can produce such diverse features, the foundation is still all the same. The same shiit for everybody. So why is it that people find it so hard to love someone just because they have DNA combinations that differ from their own, all our blood is made up of the same substance too, so i don't get the "blood' theory people have either. Like "he's my blood, she's my blood" We are all of the same blood, just different blood types.

    People are all reflections of each other, & we really are all one because we are all of the same material- our body, our dna, our brains, everything contains the same substance & same chemicals & etc etc. The only thing that differs is the way that we think....well maybe a few other things too

    Aren't our cells immortal if we can transfer them to a new body via procreation..?

    Yeah pretty much

    Or is it something else that reincarnates..?

    Could be

    Source(s): For some reason i thought i had a lot more to say about this- may come back & add more if it comes back to me
  • 10 years ago

    First we have to realize we are not this physical body made of earth, water, fire, air and ether and we are not the subtle body made up of mind, intelligence and ego (self-image). We are infinitesimal spiritual parts (beings) of the Supreme Spirit (God) and we are occupying this body and struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.

    We are made in God's image and His likeness have been given the power to create the world with the tools (body, mind and intelligence) and we are creating all the time. Thoughts, ideas, words, actions, our world around us are all the creation of our mind. Even the children we have are also the conception our mind created.

    The answer to your question - Do you think that you reincarnate through your children.? is if we are too attached to our body, our relations, like our child or our parent or spouse, we may come back (re-incarnate) in the same family. Also the mind we have shaped in the past life has given us the appropriate womb in this life and the mind we shall shape in this life shall match that of our parents in the next life. That is why we feel our children are like us. The mind which child's soul had shaped in his/her last life matches with the mind of his parents in this life. God is the ultimate match maker.

    But all the spirit souls are on a different journey. The spirit soul in the body which we call our child, sibling, parent or spouse, all have a purpose to fulfill.

    And the purpose is to remember our connection with the Supreme spirit, that we are all connected through this invisible thread that is our Creator and to remind others of our connection, then our purpose for being here is fulfilled.

  • 10 years ago

    The ugly redaction of one of the writings in The Corpus Hermeticum leads one to believe that if you do not have children you will spend your existence afterwards in hell for not fulfilling the "go forth and multiply" b.s. that the god Jehovah was made to say. This is enough to convince me that it has nothing to do with having children. Such an alteration in the text had to come from the big argument back then concerning the two approaches to sexuality. One, the total abstinence of the Gnostics and two, the blessed participation of the Jews. I favour the former as did Buddha, Jesus, Paul, Iamblichus, Plato, Herodotus, Pythagoras, and tons of others. If having children is important, we may as well burn all the works that stem from their Divine inspiration.

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  • 10 years ago

    Mystical Judaism (Kabbalah) believes reincarnation occurs down through family lines. Hence the Mosaic law about marrying a deceased brother's wife to "raise up children unto him" so the deceased brother would have children to reincarnate into. It also explains the line "the sins of the fathers are transmitted into the 3d and 4th generation" (because usually the father is alive when the 2nd generation is born).

    I don't know what the truth actually is.

  • My belief is that a part of me (spirit, energy) is with my children. I feel as if I am dispersed all over the place. I feel when there is trouble, sadness and happiness even without being near them. I do believe we "incarnate" through them as our parents, grandparents and so on did the same thing. This in my opinion is reincarnation.

    The more aware I become the more I realize how quickly my spirit has integrated with my children. They are extensions of me and their dad. I also believe a part of our spirit goes to grandchildren. I am scattered everywhere...It is a strange phenomenon, but I am okay with it. Makes death of the body more tolerable.

    Infinite peace.


    Source(s): Just a hunch!
  • Physically, yes that is true because part of your genetic material will be passed on to your offspring. But there is no evidence to support the continuing cohesion of your energy/life force/spirit after you die. Energy never stays in one place, it moves through all existence continually in a constant cycle of energy exchange. The pathways in your brain that make up your individuality are not duplicated in your offspring, they forge their own neural pathways and their own individual pattern. To reincarnate you would have to have an exact duplicate of your neural pathways reproduced in physical form.. matter is the conduit for energy, that shapes the paths energy travels through. The shape of those pathways is what makes you, YOU.. the energy that gives you life is transient, it does not remain inside you for life but rather passes through as part of a cycle. Your offspring are not exact duplicates of yourself, but rather the combined genetic material of two individuals. YOU as an individual do not live on in your offspring, only part of your genetic material is passed on.

  • 10 years ago

    You don't reincarnate, but you continue to live through them. If you have a positive influence on your children (and those of others) they will likely have a positive influence on others. It can be a self-perpetuating legacy and an immortality of a sort.

  • 10 years ago

    No! My sons are independent entities. Now that they have grown up, their personalities have taken a shine of their own. While they do reflect my values, they are distinctly different persons.

    Our children are made of the same material as we, but the soul energy is theirs I think!

  • Pmc
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    What is true it's that you're done when you die; you cannot live you children's life. Plus, He speaks like a proud dad, nothing to rely scientifically on.

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