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Kindred asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 14 hours ago

With YA about to close, who did you learn the most from in the Philosophy Section and what did you learn? ?

Updated 11 hours ago:

@ Megalomaniac, you have been here since inception from what I can tell so 13 years of inefficiency? You have taught me to care more about simplicity.   Any regrets—was it time well wasted? 

@Jimmy C, it’s eye opening and scary. Our neighbors.  I agree that this philosophy pocket is more intelligent.  Hopefully people have learned from you.  You seem smart. 

@anonymous—what have you done to change that?  Insults do not work for me in regards to motivation, but I firmly think people can learn.

4 Answers

  • KennyB
    Lv 7
    9 hours ago

    That life has no meaning other than what you give to it.

  • 13 hours ago

    Most of the questions in the Philosophy section have nothing to do with philosophy.  I suppose that one always learns at least something in the process of asking and answering questions but it has been disappointingly inefficient.

    Update: Yeah, I've been doing this for a while.  Like I said one always learns something but as I implied there are more efficient ways of learning things.  Then again one has to factor in the entertainment value (which, albeit highly variable, does exist) so it isn't a complete waste of time.  It's just not the best way to learn stuff.  There's a lot of deliberate misinformation, trolling, and gaming that happens on this site so it takes quite a lot of previous education to sort through all the BS.  So stay in school kids, this site, and presumably others like it, is no substitution for a real education, even though it can be fun at times.

    P.S. - Thanks for saying I taught you something.  That's something I suppose.  If you, or anyone else, wants to continue a discussion, please feel free to email me (  I think Yahoo mail is still working, for the time being at least.

  • 13 hours ago

    I have learnt a lot from Yahoo about the knowledge and opinions of americans. 

    I was stunned to learn that half of them believe in creationism and trump, and do not accept evolution or reality. It makes me wonder how the US has any scientific achievements at all. 

    The philosophy section attracts more intelligent people, at least in some cases, thank goodness. In terms of actual philosophy, nothing new or astounding. 

  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    To my great dismay I learned that there is a higher percentage of idiots, morons and imbeciles in the world than I previously thought, and a lot of them seem to gravitate here. .

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