So Clay Guida takes Nate Diaz down and he wins the round? Did they forget all those punches Diaz landed.

I bet that if the crowd was chanting Nate's name he would've won.

Who do you think should've won won?


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I agree Guida got Diaz back but did nothing. Plus Diaz was able to toss Guida to the ground from his back and land a lot more punches and I mean a lot.

Iron Jaw Jake2009-02-04T14:03:52Z

I remember Clay making some shots in the beginning, then Nate making some by the fourth or fifth round. But I remember more so, Nate only fliping Guida like two or three times while Clay had the majority of control over the grappling, a few take downs, and doing good enough in the beginning to maybe still win despite problems towards the end. So I agree with the decision, but Clay better finish next time if he is to rise in the league, he already has a stripped record.


In this particular fight, nothing was wrong with the NSAC-appointed judges. Clay Guida soundly beat Nate Diaz. Guida took down Diaz at will, and EASILY won rounds one and two; round three could've gone to either one, although I believe I gave it to Diaz.


Jason X2009-02-04T13:39:54Z

I agree Diaz landed more damage on Guida but Guida was on top more and went for more subs. I think the judges just liked Clays personality better and that swayed the decision just enough.Shouldve been a draw or another round.


Guida's whole game plan was just to hold onto Diaz for 3 rounds. I guess it worked. Guida never wins by anything but decision.

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