What Attractions/Cities in Japan Do You Think are Highly Underrated?

Everyone seems to visit Tokyo and Kyoto (well, I haven't actually explored Tokyo much. lol), and Hiroshima, Osaka, and Nara are popular. For whatever reason, people also seem to like Kobe...

But I want to know about those places or attractions that tourists (particularly foreign) rarely visit but are actually really spectacular.

I find the Chugoku region to be great but aside from Hiroshima, people don't seem to explore this region.
Tottori: I liked hiking on Mount Daisen to all of the temples. I haven't been to the sand dunes or Negeiredo, but these interest me, as well.
Okayama: Many places... Bitchu Takamatsu Castle, the entire Kibi plains, Kurashiki... Even Okayama City is underrated.
Kyoto: Kamo-cho's Stone Buddha path is a great historical hike. Takao is also nice, particularly Jingoji Temple.
Also, the entire island of Shikoku seems underrated to me. People don't seem to go there as much, but it has a lot of preserved historical areas (those 88 temples, 4 of the 12 original castles, etc.)

Anyways, you can comment on mine, but also add your own. What do you think are underrated attractions that deserve more mention?


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I have to agree with you. Okayama is lovely - especially the gardens, Kurashiki is very beautiful, yet few tourists go there, Himeji Castle is fantastic and the gondola up to the shrine is really lovely.Shikoku is probably very underrated. As our daughter lived there for two years we went up into the mountains, did white water rafting, camped, went over the vine bridges, tried an onsen etc. The views are truly spectacular. I would like to go back and see more of this lovely island and some of those 88 shrines.Tokushima is a nice city too.We really enjoyed Shikoku and so did she! Also it has very good surf beaches, and plenty of places for outdoor activities.

Kyoto is still one of my favourites........... I really liked Heinan Temple and gardens.I was disappointed with Nara.Maybe the rainy day and thousands of school children didn't help. Both my children - one still lives in Japan - like Kobe better than Osaka.I didn't see enough to comment.

Later this year we will be going back to look at southern Japan.

Hokkaido is popular with young people for the hiking and skiing.

Fuji-go-ko is lovely just out of Tokyo. I hadn't realised Japan had traditional thatched roofs like they do in England.


Because of limited tour schedule and budget, foreign travelers usually make plan very rationally and economically,

At mostly, local region are more precious always in every country but it is also quite difficult to enjoy those places due to language and transportation barrier.

My personal opinion for underrated sight seeing places in Japan are as follows for example.

Shikoku, especially Shiman-to river and Oh-henro 88 temples pilgrimage.
Izu islands, Oh-Shima, Hachijyoo-Jima etc. beautiful climates and nice marine amusements and short cruzing from Tokyo.
Izumo Taisha shrine in Shimane pref. as Shinto orthodox.

Edo-Tokyo museum in Tokyo, to comprehend the basic knowledge
Kichijoji, Shimo-Kitazawa, Sangen-Jyaya, Mishuku and Daikan-Yama district in Tokyo for local latest adult fashion more than Harajuku and Shibuya


I went to Kamakura last July and it has a great seaside attractions on the way to the Buddhist temples, statues, etc.

The prior year, I went to Nikko and Hakone. Not a lot of gaigins there but is busy during summers with local (I mean city dwellers).

Also, try going to the Japanese Alps and visit Nagano on the way.

I am not Japanese but love the people and the culture. I'm glad to that you've done your homework! Have fun and I hope you meet a lot of nice people there!


Very exciting! i in my opinion relate with my Jupiter placement, a lot more desirable than many of the different planets in my chart. I extremely have continuously had that type ability, no count number what the priority. if you're referring to perception psychological develop, that is truly a said be certain in my chart. i imagine perchance the reason Jupiter is truly no longer seen to be overly "personal" in Astrology, is because it lie's outdoors of the asteroid belt. besides the indisputable fact that, I extremely have examine that it continues to be in each and each and every signal for more desirable or less a 12 months, so I do locate it to be a more desirable personal planet than the different's, a number of which take many years to finish a cycle.


I think Yamagata prefecture VISIT YAMADERA. is very awesome to visit but not very well known.

You can ski there up until April and there is great temples to visit.

The sweets you can buy are awesome and the yamagata sake is A M A Z I N G

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