When does running season end?

When does running season end in your neck of the woods?

I know that we are going to keep running after the season ends so...no point in being a wise azz.


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Actually it just turns into another season, we go from the fall in cross country to track and then summer track, and it is almost cross country time again.
There is no indoor season here, but the short time between seasons is getting ready for the next season.
I guess if the season ended it would be in mid August.


This is probably going to sound sort of like I'm a wise azz, but there is literally no end to the running season for distance, haha. This is true for both competitors and runners who simply run to stay in shape. In high school and college, the cross country season often begins at the beginning of summer (training) and meets start in September and end in mid to late November. Then, indoor track begins in early December and ends in late February to early March. Then, outdoor track begins in early March until near the end of the school year.

And then cross country starts again.

This is in New Jersey, by the way.


I run in college and running season never ends. In the last seven months i have only gotten Sundays off. This year my coach didn't even give me a week off between the last xc meet and tthe start of indoor track practice. From there we go strait to outdoor track and once thats over the coach sends us home for the summer with a workout for xc, really i guess we have an option to do it or not, but i always do it.


Umm, at our school XC ends I think in like October, Indoor ends in February, and Spring ends in June.