Help....marriage issue..Why?

Okay here goes.42 and married for over 20 years.I am happy. So here's the issue...A guy, that I find attractive has been talking to me and flirting.I never plan on cheating but I feel like a schoolgirl when I talk to this guy.I get all nervous and shaky.Has this ever happened to anyone??


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I think he just makes you feel good about yourself. There is nothing wrong with that.


When I think of old "crushes" I do sometimes. You have to think about your husband. This is one of those learning experiences, and after you get through it you'll appreciate your relationship more. Make a bad choice and there will be some consequences. Yeah, you may have a good time in the moment, but in the long run. If you've been married for over 20 yrs, you know it didn't happen with your rose colored glasses on... you have to work hard for what u want and keep working for what's worth keeping. Leave the other guy alone, for the fact he gives you butterflies, and do something to your husband that gives him butterflies.


Well I'm 40 and have been married for almost 20 years.
And it's all good fun and game, keep it up ......But Do Not Have Sex With
Him !!!!!!!! That's when the game is over and you loose.

You need that excitement in your life , and you want it to last as long as you can , cause I've been there......I pushed it to the limit .
I got caught ! Luckily she forgave me , I had too much to lose.
But boy did I love that schoolboy feeling !!!!
I say no sex , because it's not the sex , it's that first time love feeling
And when you get caught it won't hurt him so bad . Notice I said when not if.
Good Luck

completely confused :(2009-02-10T20:56:12Z

since you feel like a schoolgirl, it sounds like a schoolgirl crush! i would advise to STAY AWAY! unless you are confident that nothing will ever happen! make sure you only do what you would do if your husband was standing there watching!!!!


It's a crush, we all have them at some point.
Stay away from him, or you could be tempted into inappropriate behavior.

Remember, he's just a guy- he picks his nose, scratches his balls, and farts like all the rest do. Keep reminding yourself of that.

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