What makes some people more memorable than others?

don't we all have some degree of intrinsic worth? why do some people stand out to you more than others?

Marianne not Ginger™2009-02-11T01:32:15Z

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I have to agree with many things that were said here. But of course we all have "intrinsic worth." What makes some people more memorable is that they don't just accept life as something they must live. They leave their mark. They touch us.

It could be just with their words. I'll take yahoo answers for example. I've been at this off and on for three years. I've actually had the pleasure of meeting several people face to face, but that alone is not what makes them stand out amongst the thousands of avatars we encounter. I remember certain people for the impact their words had on me. They had a way of reading me in just a way that they could instantly sense what was missing or necessary in my life without me saying a word. When you meet people that are 'aware" of others from learning by observation rather than being told, you know that's someone with a heart and a compassion that is unique. You don't forget that............ in this day and age, it doesn't come around every day. They are memorable.

Then there are those that put others before themselves. When you can observe self sacrifice not demonstrated by a martyr but as someone who sincerely cares about the well-being of another soul, you can't help but have that ingrained in your mind forever.

Yes, personality is a plus always. But I think it takes more than just a kind and cordial nature to be completely memorable to all you encounter. Words and actions are so strong. You have to leave your mark on someone. You can't just think good thoughts...... you must put them into action. Tell someone how you feel........ show someone how you feel. Being genuine.......... being "real" is such a key. If people sense that these words and actions are constant...... and sincere, it leaves an impact that is memorable.

It's the difference between someone saying, "Welcome back...... I missed your smile" vs. "Welcome back...... I missed how you made me smile."

Why are you still on my contact list after all these years? You see the world ....... and you make sure to help the rest of us see it too. Your words have always had an impact. Three years later...... you are more than memorable; you've been influential... such an impact.... such a mark you have left.


Personality is a big factor, I guess. But it takes more than having a likeable disposition to be memorable. Words and actions are so strong. You have to leave your mark on someone. I guess some people are different, in the fact that they don't see life the way others do. They're the ones that you know will get somewhere in their lives, and not the ones you imagine saying, "Would you like fries with that?" at the take-out window at Wendys. Some people may not have the most stunning/interesting looks, or the most cordial personality, but they're memorable with their actions. They live by a self imposed set of standards. It's hard not to get inspired by those people. I liked your question, it was fun answering it!


Ok I am going to quit answering after MNG. She is way to damn smart.

But looking back on the most memorable people in my life. There have been many. Some for exterior reasons and some for internal reasons. But the ones who stand out most are the one who live there life by a self imposed set of standards. No one has to tell them the right thing to do. They just do it because they want to. With no expectation of reward or even gratitude. They treat everyone the same. From the bum on the corner to the Boss at work. They seem to have a self respect for themselves and others that is uncommon. And although they never demanded your respect you were always happy to give it to them.

And if you raise kids the right way. You have more intrinsic worth than you can ever imagine.

"To the world you may be but one person, But to one person you may be the world"


Memorable Person

Officer & A Gentleman2009-02-10T19:21:44Z

I believe what makes some ppl stand-out and more memorable than others are simply because the ever-lasting impressions they made on us or others. It's almost like they left an impression of their very own trade-marks on us. These are usually the kinds of people who are very attractive with a very nice and sweet personality. And even if they weren't very attractive, they have something else to compensate for their physical attributes such as their natural charismatic and comical ways. I always find that if a person is able to make not just one person but a whole group of people laugh and have a good time, he or she are usually the ones that will not be forgotten long after the event.

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