Why can't we all look like this?


WHY? Why is it only THEM? Gahh this drives me crazy. I want that.


Favorite Answer

I know really!!


They don't really eat food, or at least so little and so tasteless it doesnt really count, and the work out for hours every single day of their life. It's their JOB to look like that.


Personally that girl is a twig and she has no muscle tone what so ever i doubt that she is health...plus she's not even that pretty

You should be happy with the way you are and if your not change what you can



Actually some of us would much rather look like this: http://www.losethetummy.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/jessica-biel-bikini.jpg

Not all of us what to be skinny with no muscle. If she didn't have the big boobs, she would look like a very tall 10 year old.


Honestly, she is way to skinny! She's probably losing her teeth and hair as we speak, accept yourself for who you are. Envy will only make things worse.

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