Working out.... What do I do about this?

I have been lifting for a couple years, and im starting to get thick. I started off really skinny and im just starting to look thick. I really wanna just look skinny and muscular what am I doing wrong?>


Favorite Answer

Add some cardio to your routine.


too much weight....drop the weight , add reps

if i were you id drop weights for about a month and a half.....

within that month do nothing but, do abs

seriously though my brother had the same problem...

stop trying to keep up with the juicers at the gym, theyre idiots you can get that sick john basedow look with two 15 pound dumbells
and a nice 2 mile run every day.


do exercises like running, swimming, pull ups, push ups, squats, etc. instead of weights. the weights just bulk you up but using the strength of your own body will make you more slender and toned.


eating too much protein and fats.