A very strange dream. Any thoughts?

I just had one of those twilight dreams where I'm not quite asleep, but the mind is still downloading the mundane recordings of the day. Two relevant details: I load freight onto trucks. I then record the loads in a computer.

So in the dream, I've placed my hat on one of the skids I'm loading. Next, I am still in the truck, but wondering: If I close this file, will the hat still be there when I reopen it? Because the hat is real. It can't be stored in a computer. I can't actually see a computer. I'm seeing the skid I'm loading. But you know how dreams confuse things.

This isn't a question, as such. But I'll choose the most interesting comment on it. All perspectives encouraged to reflect. Are you a Jungian interpreter? Does it remind you of a song, a movie, a book? An original thought? You know. Like, whatever.


@ Macy D: Do I want what to happen in real life, the confusion of reality and the way things work in the digital world? Ummmmm, no.


@ hotpepper: Well. I've never *studied* dreams, but what I've heard about them indicates that it is perfectly normal for dreams to incorporate the most mundane details of the day. I suspect yours are doing the same, but your mind might be interpretting those details in a way that is more interesting to you.

Not all my dreams are so literal. Some are quite bizzare and inexplicable. Ironically, I'm the type that likes both dada and symbolism.


BTW - That movie was CASTAWAY. Funny to think that a movie of that tone bears a ring of familiarity, intentional or not, to Gilligan's Island.


Favorite Answer

i am no expert but i think it means that you are thinking of something to do in your life but wandering if you will lose something in the process

Legend in your own mind!2009-02-14T09:25:44Z

I keep trying to answer this, but keep drifting off to my own little world with my own little hats and little skids. Keep your hat in your cache and don't worry about it getting accidentally deleted or just make a backup copy.
I doubt it will fit though. It'll get compressed as a tar file and end up to small and sticky and filthy as well and probably get corrupted by all the lost porn in your head then come out as some kind of naked, sex obsessed, male semen covered shoe.. ;) Not a pretty picture...


I find it strange that your dream mirrors your occupation. Are you having issues at work, maybe someone new has started to confuse things.

I could be way off base...my dreams tend to be so odd there's no possible way to confuse it with reality.

dreams are so odd sometimes, yours reminds me of the Tom Hanks movie(stuck on the deserted island) I can't remember the name.
Not sure why.


Nice dream. I think this means you should prolly take a couple days off of work. :-) I work at Dennys and whenever I have dreams I start to get a bit nervous, and think that I work too much.


That's...different. Do you actually want it to happen in real life? That'd be even creepier.....