A very strange dream. Any thoughts?
I just had one of those twilight dreams where I'm not quite asleep, but the mind is still downloading the mundane recordings of the day. Two relevant details: I load freight onto trucks. I then record the loads in a computer.
So in the dream, I've placed my hat on one of the skids I'm loading. Next, I am still in the truck, but wondering: If I close this file, will the hat still be there when I reopen it? Because the hat is real. It can't be stored in a computer. I can't actually see a computer. I'm seeing the skid I'm loading. But you know how dreams confuse things.
This isn't a question, as such. But I'll choose the most interesting comment on it. All perspectives encouraged to reflect. Are you a Jungian interpreter? Does it remind you of a song, a movie, a book? An original thought? You know. Like, whatever.
@ Macy D: Do I want what to happen in real life, the confusion of reality and the way things work in the digital world? Ummmmm, no.
@ hotpepper: Well. I've never *studied* dreams, but what I've heard about them indicates that it is perfectly normal for dreams to incorporate the most mundane details of the day. I suspect yours are doing the same, but your mind might be interpretting those details in a way that is more interesting to you.
Not all my dreams are so literal. Some are quite bizzare and inexplicable. Ironically, I'm the type that likes both dada and symbolism.
BTW - That movie was CASTAWAY. Funny to think that a movie of that tone bears a ring of familiarity, intentional or not, to Gilligan's Island.