Financial Aid question?

I am in nursing school, and I graduate as an LPN in April. I planned on going straight into an RN program, but since I am unhappy with the education I am receiving at my current school, I don't see that as a possibility. The school I want to go to requires that you have 1000 working hours as an LPN before you start, and all the other schools with bridge programs have a waiting list.

Right now, I am not making any payments on my student loans. Those start as soon as I graduate school. My question is, if I work for a year as an LPN, while making payments on my student loans, can i stop those payments again when I start my RN schooling?


Favorite Answer

Hi Autumn

Yes, as the poster above said, you will be able to defer/stop payment on your Federal school loans any time you return to school. Make an appt with a counselor in your financial aid dept and ask questions. Also make sure that the school that you want to attend in the future is accredited (I imagine it is if it's a nursing program, but it's good to check.) Also, once you are out of school and if you hit a rough patch financially, and if you're talking about a Federal Gov't loan, you can ask to have monthly payments reduced. You can't ever get out of paying off a loan to the Feds, but there is some wiggle room for negotiating payments.

Good luck!


Yes, you sure can stop them.
There are many times you can stop them.
Call them and ask about deferment even if you're not in college.