Am I old fashioned and unrealistic to feel jealous and infuriated?

that my husband of 3 years has many female friends that have contact with him through various means. (E-mail, cell phone, facebook).


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thanks for the reply. but no i think you love him and thas y ur actin like u are. its only natural. but u should ease up i think and trust ur husband


No.... I feel the same way, and at times, I become sort of stalker-ish to try to discover if there's anything going on. I'll secretly read emails, look at call records, etc. Even if there's a woman who likes him, but my husband isn't doing anything wrong, I still get upset.

As for how to get over it or help it, I don't have much advice other than to talk about it with him and keep things open. After all, if you make him unhappy, he might have a reason to go with another woman. If you be seductive and loving, then he won't ever think of straying.

I know it's tough and frustrating... good luck!

WHAT THE DEUCE??2009-02-15T23:34:42Z

Me and my fiancee have many friends of the opposite sex.

When you become more mature and trusting and grow up,you will get over it

P.S. I would DUMP ANY GIRL who read my emails or texts.

I take pride in the fact that Im a faithful man and would be insulted by someone doing that


Your question is hilarious. i think of i flow to apply your question as an occasion of Sarah Palin's Cult. this actual sentence rather cracked me up, "Sarah is staggering, eye-catching, energetic, charismatic, useful, a born chief, self-produced from humble beginnings- truthfully all issues maximum liberals are actually not."


No you are not. You feel jealous and infuriated and that shows that you cares and you still love him [: