Traditional Catholicism defined? What it is not.?

A year ago it was asked: Why does traditional Catholicism oppose Vatican II? It appears few know how to find serious answers. Moderators properly replied and yet the inquiries persist. This is so because the web is filled millions of sites for Modernistic Catholicism and only four or five sites to show what is True Catholicism. Even a casual inquirer would never locate a doctrinal answer. What to do?

The cautious inquirer should do this: Compare your impressions of today's Modernism with a catechism dated before the council of Vatican II (1962-1965), such as the online Baltimore Catechism, levels 1 thru 4. There are four levels, beginners to catechists. Or use the doctrinal level Catechism of Trent to compare encyclical content.

I add this. Modern Catholicism is a "mixture" of some original doctrine and some heretical doctrine. When this happens a "newchurch" is invented. It is not Catholic. The difficulty is knowing which doctrines are "new" and which are historically accurate. Which is which? You cannot have both. Modern Catholicism is condemned by Pops St. Pius X. One also can add, Modern Catholicism is condemned over and over by all the Church Doctrine prior to Pope Pius XII (1958). This is so because it takes the meaning out of a doctrine and puts a new meaning in. That is called heresy.

It is possible to acquire knowledge from websites so contact me privately.


Prison Officer, I had very much looked forward to your response. But you have given it in the Latin change in the Mass: Pro Omnibus is heresy, and that is the Novus Ordo Mass. Pro Multis is the True and legitimate Mass of all time of the Council of Trent, an infallible Council. Thank you.


Favorite Answer

I have answered this question to the best of my knowledge. As I was writing my response, the entire page was deleted. I do not want to write my response again. This is my body, this is my blood which shall be shed for you and for many Pro Multis. unto the remission of sins.
Modern version: For all Pro Omnibus. The mass was Universal in Latin, not so in each language on the Earth.


Why does traditional Catholicism oppose Vatican II?

Because many brought in their own agendas & called it Vatican II. I heard recently that Vatican II is not an Ecunemical Council & changed nothing. If so why was the Tridentine Mass just recently allowed again anywhere regardless of the local ordinaries.

I hope that the four bishops accept Vatican II in light of tradition. Has various aspects of the Church been invaded? Judge the tree by the fruit. The 4 bishops have expressed hope they might help with renewal to the Church in general.

They could be like the Confraternity of St Peter whose priests are traditional priests who offer Tridentine Masses & have parishes or offer Masses at specific times where it is requested. This is wishful thinking perhaps, but the Tridentine Mass is legal anywhere & any parishioner may request such a Mass.

Jesus told us the Church is like a light on a hill or a mustard tree which would contain wheat & tares or good & bad fish.

I contend on these pages that the teachings of the Church are sound when viewed in light of tradition, unless Jesus was wrong and hell did prevail. Arians had a stranglehold on the Church early & where are they? Check out this article I saw yesterday:

john w2009-02-16T07:48:30Z

If you take your thesis to it's logical outcome, then the Seat of Peter is currently vacant.

Judging by past standards, one could argue that the last two 'popes' especially, have demonstrated actions and words that manifest heresy.

But why would God leave the Church without a true Pope for 40 years?

Why would the largest Traditional organization, the SSPX, initiate talks with a 'heretical Newchuch' and seek lifting of invalid 'excommunications'?


Ask yourself theses question: Who is the current Pope - Pope St. Pius X, Pope Pius XII, or Pope Benedict XVI?

Vatican II was a valid council, so the changes that came about as a result of Vatican II are valid.

If you deny the ligitimacy of Vatican II or Pope Benedict XVI, you have placed yourself outside the Catholic Church.


the main important doctrinal distinction is the pre-Vatican II church taught and the classic Church nonetheless believes the dogma, "No Salvation exterior the Catholic Church", eg. Preamble to Vatican I : "This authentic catholic faith, exterior of which none could be stored, which I now freely profess and actually carry -" however the submit Vatican II church teaches that salvation is accessible to all religions {Jews, Lutherans, etc} , in case you do not have faith me, merely ask a Vatican II Priest.

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