Why are my orchid blooms at the end of the spike starting to wither?

I just bought my orchid plant a few days ago with a few blooms that had not opened yet. Now the flower buds that have not opened are starting to wither already. Am I not doing something right. I have it in by a south window where the light is filtered. The rest of the blooms are doing fine but I don't want to loose anymore flower buds. Any suggestions?


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It's called "blasting". This can happen if anything about their new environment is different from the old environment, and sometime happens for no reason at all. Welcome to the world of orchids! They require a TON of patience.

D O'Conner2009-02-21T14:10:01Z

When you bought the orchid and took it home, it probably went through a slight shock. Trauma often causes orchid buds to fall off. Are they turning yellow? If so, it could also be getting too much water. What kind of orchid is it? If the name tag simply said "orchid" then you bought it from a non-reputable orchid dealer. you should google orchid and find an image that resembles your plant and flower and then decide what kind it is. Then go to an orchid care website (just google "orchid care") and there should be helpful general instructions on caring for your plant. If it is phalaenopsis, it would probably do best in an eastern window with no filtering. It likes the full sun for about an hour before the day warms up it's window sill.
Most likely your buds are falling off due to shock, though, and there is nothing you can do for them. just cut the stem above the highest flower still blooming and sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon on the cut. that will help the plant, because it is wasting energy trying to keep those buds alive.
NOW. what you COULD do, but some orchid people don't recommend this while your flower is in bloom, is the next time you water, gently turn your plant on the side and pull it out of the pot. look at the roots (the orchid care site will help you with what they should look like as well) if they are rotten they were damaged on the way there. most likely the grower potted your orchid in a shipping medium so that it wouldn't dry out on its way to the store. your plant is probably in some sort of sphagnum moss that holds alot of water. It should be repotted in orchid medium such as lava rock and fir bark or some other such medium. orchids can't have their roots sit in water, they will develop root rot, or even worse, a fungal infestation which could kill your plant altogether. http://www.beautifulorchids.com/orchids/orchid_care_tips/orchid_introduction/orchid_care_tips.html
that link is helpful, but if you google "orchid care" hundreds of sites come up. i'm sure you can find anything else you need.
good luck
orchids DO like drafts, in fact, they require constant air circulation to keep from developing fungal infections.
also, it is unlikely that you HAVEN'T watered enough. the most likely problem YOU could be causing is TOO MUCH water.
and i doubt the ambient temp in your home exceeds 85 degrees or drops below 65 at night and as long as you are in that range your orchid should be quite comfortable.
also, water on the crown will not kill your plant. mine get water there all the time and they are fine. just make sure you water in the mornings so they have time to dry out before nightfall and cooler temperatures.

Gary D2009-02-18T15:38:50Z

When they wither, the plant isn't getting enough water. If you have a Phalaenopsis, just be sure you don't leave any water in the center of the crown of leaves or it can kill the plant.

Just give it a thorough soaking, then let it dry on it's own. You may be able to save the remaining flowers.


It may just be going through a change of environment. The store may have been more humid than your home. Keep it away from vents, I think. I don't think they like drafts. The vents have very dry air from them. I think they like to be watered from the bottom of the pot (the saucer) I don't think they like to be directly watered in their pot. I hope I was of some help.


Could be too warm where you have it. Don´t over water.

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