Have you seen the bird web cams?

http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hummingbird-babies-webcam mom and 2 babies in Sunnyvale, Calif. babies will fly about 2/26.

http://www.wvec.com/cams/eagle.htm will tell you page is not available, but scroll down to the blue section and about the 4th item down will be web cameras, click on eagles..she has 2 eggs.

http://www.scpbrg.org The Falcons are returning to the roof of San Jose City Hall for the 3rd year..camara is on and they are checking out the nest box again..but no eggs yet..a little early..


Folklore the eagle camera is @ the Gardens..how great she returns each year, just like Clara and Carlos our Falcons return to San Jose City Hall for the 3rd time..Clara 3 years, Carlos 2 years.


Nana, now I wish I was on satelite all those things would be very interesting to watch.


Favorite Answer

Yes, I used to watch an eagle cam all the time. This last summer there was a University here who had the camera on a Great Horned Owl's nest. It was very, very cool.

If you're on satellite, I used to watch Sunrise Earth all the time. Haven't seen it in awhile though. But that was really, really neat. Moose, Bears, Birds...I loved it. Very relaxing too. I'd watch it first thing in the morning and sit there and drink my coffee.


A few years back, there were peregrine falcons nesting locally, under a bridge that needed repairs. The bridge was closed until the babies left the nest. It's nice to know our city cares about the wildlife!


Not that one, but we have one with an eagle couple at the Norfolk Botanical. They've been back for 8 yrs to the same nest.